EVERLAND ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 40660097
Nikolaj Plads 2, 1067 København K

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit27 060.2228 284.0027 132.0026 164.0027 209.34
Employee benefit expenses-18 362.81-20 296.00-21 194.00-23 215.00-24 529.02
Total depreciation- 824.49- 862.00- 860.00- 922.00- 443.39
EBIT7 872.927 126.005 078.002 027.002 236.94
Other financial income1.00271.42
Other financial expenses- 145.23- 120.00- 139.00- 114.00- 157.36
Net income from associates (fin.)- 773.00599.001 380.18
Pre-tax profit7 727.697 007.004 166.002 512.003 731.17
Income taxes-1 740.02-1 543.00-1 078.00- 452.00- 529.73
Net earnings5 987.685 464.003 088.002 060.003 201.44

Assets (kDKK)

Goodwill1 572.091 048.00524.00
Intangible assets total1 572.091 048.00524.00
Machinery and equipment735.91621.00562.00811.00771.45
Tangible assets total735.91621.00562.00832.00787.88
Holdings in group member companies422.001 820.78
Other receivables529.22539.00552.00592.00604.61
Investments total529.22539.00552.001 014.002 425.39
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors12 603.979 766.0015 262.0012 660.0017 260.46
Current amounts owed by group member comp.1 416.005 007.005 411.57
Prepayments and accrued income183.92370.00441.00436.00503.32
Current other receivables2 448.293 224.004 829.001 643.001 574.20
Current deferred tax assets1 000.0025.16
Short term receivables total15 236.1814 360.0021 948.0019 746.0024 774.72
Cash and bank deposits4 935.798 739.005 695.001 039.00448.13
Cash and cash equivalents4 935.798 739.005 695.001 039.00448.13
Balance sheet total (assets)23 009.1825 307.0029 281.0022 631.0028 436.12

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital726.80727.00727.00727.00726.80
Shares repurchased3 000.004 500.003 000.002 000.001 200.00
Other reserves110.001 298.25
Retained earnings1 410.761 899.004 363.005 437.005 104.54
Profit of the financial year5 987.685 464.003 088.002 060.003 201.44
Shareholders equity total11 125.2412 590.0011 178.0010 334.0011 531.04
Provisions868.042 411.003 071.001 680.001 679.03
Non-current other liabilities501.351 550.00
Non-current liabilities total501.351 550.00
Advances received2 101.761 875.006 616.005 793.009 703.26
Current trade creditors1 010.961 013.00928.00799.00799.63
Current owed to group member459.001.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities3 530.3829.00905.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities3 871.455 868.007 000.003 119.004 723.17
Current liabilities total10 514.558 756.0015 032.0010 617.0015 226.06
Balance sheet total (liabilities)23 009.1825 307.0029 281.0022 631.0028 436.12
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