EVERLAND ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 40660097
Nikolaj Plads 2, 1067 København K

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12121212
Net sales
Gross profit28 284.0027 149.0030 328.0033 707.12
Employee benefit expenses-20 296.00-21 978.00-26 186.00-28 647.53
Total depreciation- 862.00- 861.00- 987.00- 552.07
EBIT7 126.004 310.003 155.004 507.52
Other financial income1.0072.80
Other financial expenses- 120.00- 144.00- 456.00- 452.86
Pre-tax profit7 007.004 166.002 699.004 127.46
Income taxes-1 543.00-1 078.00- 639.00- 926.02
Net earnings5 464.003 088.002 060.003 201.44

Assets (kDKK)

Goodwill1 048.00524.00
Intangible assets total1 048.00524.00
Machinery and equipment621.00577.001 022.00992.38
Tangible assets total621.00577.001 053.001 008.80
Other receivables539.00556.00592.00784.29
Investments total539.00556.00592.00784.29
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors9 766.0015 410.0017 853.0019 098.73
Prepayments and accrued income370.00458.00525.00586.05
Current other receivables3 224.002 381.001 645.005 094.78
Current deferred tax assets1 000.0075.0025.16
Short term receivables total14 360.0018 249.0020 098.0024 804.72
Cash and bank deposits8 739.005 984.003 830.003 493.57
Cash and cash equivalents8 739.005 984.003 830.003 493.57
Balance sheet total (assets)25 307.0025 890.0025 573.0030 091.38

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital727.00727.00727.00726.80
Shares repurchased4 500.003 000.002 000.001 200.00
Other reserves96.0091.82
Retained earnings1 899.004 363.005 451.006 310.97
Profit of the financial year5 464.003 088.002 060.003 201.44
Shareholders equity total12 590.0011 178.0010 334.0011 531.04
Provisions2 411.002 338.001 220.001 217.83
Non-current other liabilities1 550.00
Non-current liabilities total1 550.00
Advances received1 875.006 632.007 274.0010 270.06
Current trade creditors1 013.00977.00845.00791.31
Short-term deferred tax liabilities29.001 092.00405.90
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities5 868.004 736.004 808.005 875.24
Current liabilities total8 756.0012 374.0014 019.0017 342.51
Balance sheet total (liabilities)25 307.0025 890.0025 573.0030 091.38
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