Massive Catering A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 40640924
Jernholmen 49, 2650 Hvidovre

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit7 806.2717 774.9812 893.2212 378.8116 067.77
Employee benefit expenses-3 850.12-11 610.43-11 033.79-11 811.98-11 834.72
Total depreciation-2 300.66-7 222.18-5 785.32-4 308.84-4 103.80
EBIT1 655.48-1 057.64-3 925.88-3 742.01129.26
Other financial income5.41
Other financial expenses-4.37- 128.20- 110.44-11.38-10.11
Pre-tax profit1 651.11-1 185.84-4 036.32-3 753.39124.55
Income taxes- 363.00365.95887.99827.29196.50
Net earnings1 288.11- 819.89-3 148.33-2 926.10321.05

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights2 741.49721.76195.54
Goodwill30 542.5726 978.2723 850.3520 722.4417 594.52
Intangible assets total33 284.0627 700.0224 045.8920 722.4417 594.52
Buildings2 529.422 183.061 593.191 003.31413.44
Machinery and equipment1 356.361 427.931 117.15970.61791.72
Advance payments and construction in progress96.68
Other tangible assets5 689.994 680.40
Tangible assets total3 885.789 300.987 390.741 973.921 301.84
Other receivables517.50517.50567.50593.88655.10
Investments total517.50517.50567.50593.88655.10
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods100.00100.00100.00342.70342.76
Inventories total100.00100.00100.00342.70342.76
Current trade debtors6 388.912 461.57
Current amounts owed by group member comp.646.076 212.6011 708.4911 506.0119 496.06
Prepayments and accrued income358.9872.5150.5261.9952.36
Current other receivables329.08127.1040.00
Current deferred tax assets408.00171.77822.531 391.891 327.70
Short term receivables total8 131.048 918.4412 581.5413 087.0020 916.12
Cash and bank deposits646.07225.39
Cash and cash equivalents646.07225.39
Balance sheet total (assets)46 564.4546 536.9444 685.6736 719.9341 035.74

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital400.00400.00400.00400.00400.00
Retained earnings34 600.0035 434.7234 614.8331 650.4321 724.33
Profit of the financial year1 288.11- 819.89-3 148.33-2 926.10321.05
Shareholders equity total36 288.1135 014.8331 866.5029 124.3322 445.38
Provisions771.00576.82511.351 075.951 040.40
Non-current leasing loans4 712.203 699.52
Non-current deferred tax liabilities542.5167.5967.59
Non-current liabilities total4 712.204 242.0367.5967.59
Current loans from credit institutions1 164.81
Current trade creditors1 530.141 181.881 581.592 835.932 386.73
Current owed to group member907.52497.57661.0712 157.80
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities7 067.674 553.645 319.392 955.072 937.84
Current liabilities total9 505.336 233.098 065.786 452.0617 482.37
Balance sheet total (liabilities)46 564.4546 536.9444 685.6736 719.9341 035.74
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