Stiesdal SkyClean A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 40630554
Vejlevej 270, 7323 Give

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12121212
Net sales
Gross profit181.00- 526.00-1 087.006 775.29
Employee benefit expenses- 411.00-4 312.00-12 986.00-23 218.97
Total depreciation-2.00- 230.00- 365.49
EBIT- 230.00-4 840.00-14 303.00-16 809.17
Other financial income7.0046.0091.00622.84
Other financial expenses-42.00- 418.00-2 138.00-12 691.91
Pre-tax profit- 265.00-5 212.00-16 350.00-28 878.25
Income taxes226.002 643.009 235.009 341.41
Net earnings-39.00-2 569.00-7 115.00-19 536.83

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure2 567.0025 245.00110 691.00281 024.87
Intangible assets total2 567.0025 245.00110 691.00281 024.87
Land and waters8 298.008 014.17
Advance payments and construction in progress7 377.00
Tangible assets total7 431.008 503.008 234.71
Participating interests140.00
Investments total140.00
Non-current other receivables10.0010.00
Long term receivables total10.0010.00
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.1 667.001 744.0011 200.38
Current owed by particip. interest comp.2 309.55
Prepayments and accrued income19.00321.42
Current other receivables587.004 895.0017 254.0018 951.50
Current deferred tax assets226.002 666.0011 156.0017 492.27
Short term receivables total813.009 228.0030 173.0050 275.12
Cash and bank deposits997.0015 815.008 897.007 937.32
Cash and cash equivalents997.0015 815.008 897.007 937.32
Balance sheet total (assets)4 377.0057 719.00158 274.00347 622.03

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.001 000.001 000.001 000.00
Other reserves2 002.0024 021.00100 195.00259 265.76
Retained earnings-2 002.0015 441.00-63 303.00- 229 488.21
Profit of the financial year-39.00-2 569.00-7 115.00-19 536.83
Shareholders equity total461.0037 893.0030 777.0011 240.72
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors829.004 714.0010 773.0014 000.18
Current owed to group member2 936.0014 336.00112 002.00261 487.05
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities151.00526.001 028.002 295.02
Accruals and deferred income3 444.0058 349.06
Current liabilities total3 916.0019 576.00127 247.00336 131.31
Balance sheet total (liabilities)4 377.0057 719.00158 274.00347 622.03
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