A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 40421734
Sydkrogen 12, Jelling 7300 Jelling

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12121212
Net sales
Gross profit-1 978.77382.583 458.013 359.24
Employee benefit expenses-1 528.76-3 399.30-3 820.38-3 643.84
Other operating expenses- 580.89- 728.40- 105.92
Total depreciation- 448.03- 229.95- 254.83- 247.55
EBIT-4 536.45-3 975.07- 617.20- 638.07
Other financial income25.2048.1949.67208.00
Other financial expenses-84.34-34.87-24.30- 258.36
Pre-tax profit-4 595.60-3 961.76- 591.83- 688.42
Net earnings-4 595.60-3 961.76- 591.83- 688.42

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights501.51420.46339.42258.37
Intangible assets total501.51420.46339.42258.37
Machinery and equipment379.52403.86325.78231.78
Tangible assets total379.52403.86325.78231.78
Holdings in group member companies800.00800.00800.00800.00
Participating interests112.25
Investments total800.00800.00800.00912.25
Non-curr. owed by particip. interest comp.5 171.61
Long term receivables total5 171.61
Finished products/goods5 755.295 893.169 718.519 756.52
Inventories total5 755.295 893.169 718.519 756.52
Current trade debtors194.731 295.541 640.403 780.45
Current amounts owed by group member comp.2 407.582 477.252 529.863 008.07
Current owed by particip. interest comp.2 969.24
Prepayments and accrued income45.1245.1245.1245.12
Current other receivables230.954 375.544 376.2713.90
Short term receivables total2 878.388 193.458 591.659 816.77
Cash and bank deposits5 292.511 855.191 068.106 836.00
Cash and cash equivalents5 292.511 855.191 068.106 836.00
Balance sheet total (assets)15 607.2117 566.1020 843.4532 983.31

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 300.001 300.001 921.921 921.92
Share premium account5 674.315 674.31
Other reserves391.18327.96264.74201.53
Retained earnings11 469.776 937.393 038.842 510.23
Profit of the financial year-4 595.60-3 961.76- 591.83- 688.42
Shareholders equity total8 565.354 603.5910 307.999 619.56
Non-current trade creditors2 506.913 743.95
Non-current other liabilities3 775.336 929.24
Non-current liabilities total6 282.2410 673.19
Advances received408.08
Current trade creditors44.00935.725 705.7713 549.96
Current owed to group member1 831.166 384.64
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities715.63945.532 998.533 429.14
Current liabilities total759.632 289.3210 535.4623 363.74
Balance sheet total (liabilities)15 607.2117 566.1020 843.4532 983.31
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