Den Erhvervsdrivende Fond Varde Fritidscenter 2018 — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 39679671
Lerpøtvej 55, 6800 Varde

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales23 391.8525 837.78
Other operating income134.89
Costs of manufacturing-4 313.76-5 250.62
External services-4 309.63-4 655.52
Gross profit17 886.7617 003.5720 597.5814 768.4616 066.52
Employee benefit expenses-9 110.27-8 340.29-9 218.72-11 052.25-11 948.69
Other operating expenses-7 281.31-6 517.62-7 913.39
Total depreciation- 420.58-1 186.69-1 555.07-2 320.39-2 296.25
EBIT1 074.60958.971 910.401 395.821 821.58
Other financial income41.30189.790.15
Other financial expenses-11.89-29.65- 795.81- 483.46- 359.58
Net income from associates (fin.)143.28949.12752.92
Pre-tax profit1 104.011 119.111 257.871 861.472 215.07
Income taxes- 550.29- 247.76- 203.93- 332.03
Net earnings1 104.01568.811 010.111 657.551 883.04

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings5 909.0310 387.4444 496.3342 599.0340 525.66
Machinery and equipment1 626.511 696.881 414.781 121.681 144.51
Advance payments and construction in progress17 680.3751.44
Tangible assets total7 535.5429 764.6945 911.1143 772.1541 670.17
Holdings in group member companies5 000.005 000.005 128.436 077.556 830.46
Investments total5 000.005 000.005 128.436 077.556 830.46
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables123.12130.86133.62158.58183.51
Inventories total123.12130.86133.62158.58183.51
Current trade debtors1 240.82958.761 075.211 345.061 477.00
Current amounts owed by group member comp.5 420.10643.771.06
Prepayments and accrued income286.58307.80333.60376.06
Current other receivables5 414.063 536.63504.26407.22461.66
Short term receivables total12 361.555 446.971 913.072 128.341 939.72
Cash and bank deposits2 948.344 456.52109.64136.06168.06
Cash and cash equivalents2 948.344 456.52109.64136.06168.06
Balance sheet total (assets)27 968.5644 799.0453 195.8652 272.6850 791.92

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital300.00300.00300.00300.00300.00
Other reserves128.431 077.551 830.46
Retained earnings6 293.617 397.627 823.157 884.148 788.76
Profit of the financial year1 104.01568.811 010.111 657.551 883.04
Shareholders equity total7 697.628 266.439 261.6910 919.2312 802.27
Provisions550.29798.051 001.981 334.01
Non-current loans from credit institutions13 980.2528 181.1632 800.3633 966.3030 342.62
Non-current other liabilities589.65605.07
Non-current deferred tax liabilities256.22612.22576.36
Non-current liabilities total14 236.4728 793.3733 376.7234 555.9530 947.69
Current loans from credit institutions230.13946.761 587.413 432.842 189.17
Current trade creditors4 223.154 590.921 273.11924.102 069.63
Current owed to group member4 113.66
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 270.261 380.321 542.551 119.151 265.87
Accruals and deferred income310.93270.941 242.67319.42183.28
Current liabilities total6 034.477 188.949 759.405 795.525 707.95
Balance sheet total (liabilities)27 968.5644 799.0453 195.8652 272.6850 791.92
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