MBA-Biler ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 39386739
Kirstinehøj 57, 2770 Kastrup

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit3 082.493 620.024 138.926 706.177 510.82
Employee benefit expenses- 866.30-1 393.86-1 618.36-1 686.00-2 038.06
Total depreciation-62.95-62.95-62.95-2.80
EBIT2 153.242 163.212 457.615 017.375 472.76
Other financial income1.37
Other financial expenses-11.48-11.36- 100.33-11.19-0.17
Pre-tax profit2 141.762 151.852 357.295 006.185 473.96
Income taxes- 475.72- 475.52- 523.73-1 111.73-1 210.31
Net earnings1 666.041 676.331 833.563 894.454 263.66

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment125.9062.95165.20
Tangible assets total125.9062.95165.20
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods1 399.724 882.993 795.311 906.14478.00
Inventories total1 399.724 882.993 795.311 906.14478.00
Current trade debtors1 074.00146.25863.254 877.00
Current amounts owed by group member comp.4 064.3110 347.89
Current deferred tax assets3.469.5217.534.52
Short term receivables total1 077.46155.7717.534 932.0915 224.89
Cash and bank deposits3 448.872 360.795 532.096 872.955 933.36
Cash and cash equivalents3 448.872 360.795 532.096 872.955 933.36
Balance sheet total (assets)6 051.957 462.519 344.9313 876.3721 636.25

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased10 000.00
Retained earnings1 669.353 335.385 011.716 845.27739.72
Profit of the financial year1 666.041 676.331 833.563 894.454 263.66
Shareholders equity total3 385.385 061.716 895.2710 789.7215 053.37
Non-current deferred tax liabilities1 210.31
Non-current liabilities total1 210.31
Current trade creditors5.1722.3540.00
Current owed to group member869.25212.26151.52218.00376.86
Short-term deferred tax liabilities462.83481.58531.741 630.461 630.46
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 334.491 701.781 766.401 215.843 325.25
Current liabilities total2 666.572 400.792 449.663 086.655 372.57
Balance sheet total (liabilities)6 051.957 462.519 344.9313 876.3721 636.25
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