TREFOR Infrastruktur A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 39174219
Kokbjerg 30, 6000 Kolding

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit47 748.0053 975.0062 433.00116 677.00152 974.00
Employee benefit expenses- 100 780.00- 164 197.00
Other operating expenses-19 788.00-16 427.00
Total depreciation-2 045.00-1 690.00
EBIT1 694.00709.00-6 571.00-5 936.00-29 340.00
Other financial income10.007.00
Other financial expenses- 854.00- 537.00
Net income from associates (fin.)-22 659.00196 332.00
Pre-tax profit218 568.00-15 459.00-42 249.00-29 439.00166 462.00
Income taxes289.004 365.00
Net earnings218 568.00-15 459.00-42 249.00-29 150.00170 827.00

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure1 361.004 234.00
Goodwill4 496.003 939.00
Intangible assets total5 857.008 173.00
Machinery and equipment1 160.003 195.00
Advance payments and construction in progress3 009.00161.00
Tangible assets total4 169.003 356.00
Holdings in group member companies3 087 120.003 184 837.00
Other receivables1 920 404.001 898 757.003 561 809.00
Investments total1 920 404.001 898 757.003 561 809.003 087 120.003 184 837.00
Non-current loans receivable70.0070.00
Long term receivables total70.0070.00
Raw materials and consumables732.00500.00
Inventories total732.00500.00
Current trade debtors403.0036.00
Current amounts owed by group member comp.33 154.0016 832.00
Prepayments and accrued income201.00672.00
Current other receivables1 981.0010 445.00
Current deferred tax assets289.004 365.00
Short term receivables total36 028.0032 350.00
Balance sheet total (assets)1 920 404.001 898 757.003 561 809.003 133 976.003 229 286.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 901 401.001 877 405.002 829 513.006 500.006 500.00
Shares repurchased435 000.00
Other reserves281 375.00185 633.00
Retained earnings- 218 568.0015 459.0042 249.002 821 652.002 354 629.00
Profit of the financial year218 568.00-15 459.00-42 249.00-29 150.00170 827.00
Shareholders equity total1 901 401.001 877 405.002 829 513.003 080 377.003 152 589.00
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors5 874.0017 944.00
Current owed to group member31 387.0034 020.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities16 338.0024 733.00
Current liabilities total53 599.0076 697.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 901 401.001 877 405.002 829 513.003 133 976.003 229 286.00
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