Innosurge Ortho ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 38891308
Alsikevej 16, 8920 Randers NV

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 098.322 593.223 019.563 255.725 040.44
Employee benefit expenses-2 795.21-2 941.05-3 072.77-2 694.87-3 049.60
Other operating expenses-81.77- 140.61
Total depreciation- 164.73- 581.13- 609.32- 657.45- 415.88
EBIT-1 943.40- 928.96- 662.53-96.601 434.36
Other financial income32.721.981.3043.37
Other financial expenses- 147.58- 262.09- 162.61- 186.62- 211.62
Net income from associates (fin.)201.45259.53544.22225.15754.20
Pre-tax profit-1 889.53- 898.80- 278.94-56.772 020.31
Income taxes657.18102.3932.41-35.2269.53
Net earnings-1 232.35- 796.41- 246.53-91.992 089.84

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment1 184.04909.84849.56560.28
Tangible assets total737.172 015.661 725.541 196.29781.32
Holdings in group member companies269.95529.471 073.691 298.852 053.05
Other receivables347.00347.00347.00347.00
Investments total269.95876.471 420.691 645.852 400.05
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods3 655.312 955.592 523.672 429.093 694.45
Inventories total3 655.312 955.592 523.672 429.093 694.45
Current trade debtors1 156.32485.78691.881 231.411 411.22
Current amounts owed by group member comp.465.48426.27152.9717.43141.66
Prepayments and accrued income8.6854.13159.77141.81136.75
Current other receivables180.9535.58164.20441.09892.77
Current deferred tax assets706.06117.7730.76105.19
Short term receivables total2 517.491 119.521 199.571 831.742 687.59
Cash and bank deposits255.661 243.71656.822 222.252 129.04
Cash and cash equivalents255.661 243.71656.822 222.252 129.04
Balance sheet total (assets)7 435.578 210.957 526.309 325.2211 692.45

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Other reserves234.17493.701 037.921 263.072 017.27
Retained earnings-2 140.551 367.5826.94- 444.74-1 290.93
Profit of the financial year-1 232.35- 796.41- 246.53-91.992 089.84
Shareholders equity total-3 088.731 114.86868.33776.342 866.18
Non-current loans from credit institutions352.34244.34136.34
Non-current owed to group member3 315.934 399.685 173.295 025.53
Non-current other liabilities13.5013.50
Non-current liabilities total352.343 560.274 549.525 186.795 025.53
Current loans from credit institutions274.35131.82126.655.3617.33
Current trade creditors2 433.981 712.291 279.142 191.892 723.73
Current owed to group member6 985.471.75
Short-term deferred tax liabilities17.4918.2021.16
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities460.661 691.70702.651 144.891 038.52
Current liabilities total10 171.953 535.822 108.443 362.093 800.74
Balance sheet total (liabilities)7 435.578 210.957 526.309 325.2211 692.45
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