Engelgaard Agro ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 38722832
Engelgårdsvej 8, Laage 7100 Vejle

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit10 662.0010 237.818 128.3612 943.3911 045.01
Employee benefit expenses-2 804.99-2 836.67-3 114.40-3 917.02-3 985.79
Other operating expenses-48.23-95.18-74.36- 353.94- 209.24
Total depreciation-1 631.01-1 845.36-1 753.17-2 066.88-1 964.93
Reduction in value of non-current assets1 282.92494.54-1 396.80- 224.57
EBIT6 177.765 460.603 186.426 605.554 885.06
Other financial income484.19538.75270.700.08231.81
Other financial expenses-1 125.21- 885.50- 533.09-1 627.94-3 281.57
Net income from associates (fin.)77.06127.001.2122.9833.64
Pre-tax profit5 613.805 240.852 925.255 000.661 868.94
Income taxes-1 041.65- 621.36- 790.15-1 009.92- 417.81
Net earnings4 572.154 619.492 135.113 990.741 451.13

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure26.13
Intangible rights202.98216.84180.70
Intangible assets total229.11216.84180.70
Land and waters35 133.4042 725.9551 928.0066 751.0066 477.88
Buildings24 790.9027 110.7026 956.6231 814.2429 896.72
Machinery and equipment332.00254.20337.571 166.931 047.14
Other tangible assets1 469.001 392.601 446.401 612.801 667.90
Tangible assets total61 725.3171 483.4580 668.59101 344.9899 089.64
Participating interests1 382.131 533.011 796.582 029.722 219.84
Investments total1 382.131 533.011 796.582 029.722 219.84
Long term receivables total
Semifinished products210.00210.00330.00504.00504.00
Raw materials and consumables1 664.562 235.692 547.953 361.382 991.72
Finished products/goods8 094.758 473.856 947.7910 714.6710 298.87
Inventories total9 969.3110 919.539 825.7414 580.0513 794.59
Current trade debtors153.79546.031 465.60173.042 167.66
Current amounts owed by group member comp.275.7942.3451.05
Current owed by particip. interest comp.415.87173.431.51
Prepayments and accrued income90.0075.0075.0075.0087.64
Current other receivables1.30198.2751.9164.80
Current deferred tax assets267.88
Short term receivables total519.58664.682 205.78741.262 321.60
Other current investments1 892.001 607.611 874.671 284.151 513.61
Cash and bank deposits3.499.617.204.711 229.31
Cash and cash equivalents1 895.491 617.221 881.871 288.862 742.92
Balance sheet total (assets)75 720.9386 434.7396 559.27119 984.86120 168.60

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Asset revaluation reserve7 481.858 182.658 605.08
Shares repurchased100.00
Retained earnings10 921.4215 493.5720 013.0622 148.1726 163.47
Profit of the financial year4 572.154 619.492 135.113 990.741 451.13
Shareholders equity total15 543.5720 163.0629 780.0234 371.5536 269.68
Provisions2 902.202 737.114 897.005 572.805 088.36
Non-current loans from credit institutions48 152.6553 948.3050 038.3065 432.1163 877.97
Non-current leasing loans2 092.221 464.57989.431 037.19
Non-current other liabilities1 055.971 568.241 119.32
Non-current liabilities total50 244.8653 948.3052 558.8467 989.7966 034.47
Current loans from credit institutions1 783.082 519.132 320.205 194.094 560.29
Current trade creditors1 050.981 404.161 995.201 455.772 335.84
Current owed to participating3 377.53
Current owed to group member42.4739.48
Short-term deferred tax liabilities455.24
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities4 196.245 662.975 008.015 358.392 007.70
Current liabilities total7 030.309 586.269 323.4112 050.7212 776.08
Balance sheet total (liabilities)75 720.9386 434.7396 559.27119 984.86120 168.60
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