Smidt-Jensen Holding ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 38587226
Svend Trøst Vej 10, 8960 Randers SØ

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit790.631 077.531 060.111 055.001 302.77
Employee benefit expenses- 305.35- 285.34- 291.63- 294.00- 340.55
Other financial income36.2652.45125.06145.00272.65
Other financial expenses-12.57-15.12-27.17-15.00-13.59
Net income from associates (fin.)338.59178.38330.00912.001 367.12
Pre-tax profit847.561 007.911 196.371 803.002 588.39
Income taxes- 114.16- 184.82- 192.48- 198.00- 271.59
Net earnings733.40823.081 003.891 605.002 316.80

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Participating interests383.62234.50355.66955.001 397.12
Investments total383.62234.50355.66955.001 397.12
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors205.88182.25249.75281.00435.78
Current owed by particip. interest comp.11.59240.63555.98856.002 252.18
Prepayments and accrued income3.173.233.414.003.92
Current other receivables1 499.602 200.342 444.913 057.003 299.65
Short term receivables total1 720.242 626.463 254.054 198.005 991.54
Other current investments155.62243.21268.00326.99
Cash and bank deposits33.81226.98423.95442.00541.16
Cash and cash equivalents33.81382.60667.16710.00868.15
Balance sheet total (assets)2 137.663 243.564 276.885 863.008 256.81

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital12.5040.0040.0040.0040.00
Other reserves361.12202.00335.66935.001 377.12
Retained earnings784.261 649.282 338.712 743.003 906.00
Profit of the financial year733.40823.081 003.891 605.002 316.80
Shareholders equity total1 891.292 714.373 718.265 323.007 639.91
Non-current deferred tax liabilities114.16180.82180.48171.00231.59
Non-current liabilities total114.16180.82180.48171.00231.59
Current trade creditors9.
Current owed to participating52.3464.5726.2333.0033.75
Short-term deferred tax liabilities35.92119.18184.43176.00155.47
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities34.96155.61158.49151.00187.09
Current liabilities total132.22348.36378.14369.00385.30
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 137.663 243.564 276.885 863.008 256.81
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