FILTAIR ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 35256725
Glerupvej 7, 2610 Rødovre

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit2 655.482 869.882 835.783 185.61
Employee benefit expenses-1 001.66-1 079.83-1 117.10-1 138.11-1 423.94
Total depreciation-86.42-86.42-86.42-86.42- 117.93
EBIT1 239.801 489.241 666.371 611.251 643.74
Other financial income2.75
Other financial expenses-1.78-5.60
Pre-tax profit1 239.801 489.241 666.371 609.471 640.90
Income taxes- 272.76- 327.63- 366.60- 354.08- 361.00
Net earnings967.041 161.601 299.771 255.381 279.90

Assets (kDKK)

Goodwill1 352.001 352.00
Intangible assets total1 352.001 352.00
Machinery and equipment381.86295.44353.79
Tangible assets total207.79207.79381.86295.44353.79
Other receivables58.9958.99
Investments total58.9958.99
Non-current other receivables44.2744.2755.66
Long term receivables total44.2744.2755.66
Raw materials and consumables262.03302.55
Finished products/goods554.15820.70553.68
Inventories total262.03302.55554.15820.70553.68
Current trade debtors697.67792.471 128.32866.84958.80
Current amounts owed by group member comp.1 192.96280.14
Current deferred tax assets24.8724.6324.37
Short term receivables total697.67792.471 153.192 084.421 263.32
Cash and bank deposits799.461 767.022 079.80
Cash and cash equivalents799.461 767.022 079.80
Balance sheet total (assets)2 563.762 699.092 944.315 026.584 309.59

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital80.0080.0080.0080.0080.00
Share premium account2 451.762 451.76
Shares repurchased2 000.001 998.95
Retained earnings- 935.04- 994.281 564.55864.31120.74
Profit of the financial year967.041 161.601 299.771 255.381 279.90
Shareholders equity total2 563.762 699.092 944.314 199.703 479.59
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors12.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities354.08361.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities472.80457.00
Current liabilities total826.88829.99
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 563.762 699.092 944.315 026.584 309.59
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