SELECTED TOURS ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 34885087
Njalsgade 76, 2300 København S
tel: 26189391

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 138.001 242.04- 334.31965.78- 164.74
Social security expenses-84.38
Employee benefit expenses-1 488.00-1 737.51-1 631.26- 259.04
Total depreciation- 170.00- 170.00
EBIT- 350.00- 495.47-1 965.58536.74- 419.12
Other financial income26.0014.85
Other financial expenses- 127.00- 127.13- 487.59-22.04-18.94
Pre-tax profit- 451.00- 607.76-2 453.17514.69- 438.06
Income taxes134.00111.06497.06- 763.1193.07
Net earnings- 317.00- 496.70-1 956.11- 248.42- 344.99

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure240.001 199.992 673.193 232.853 095.66
Intangible assets total240.001 199.992 673.193 232.853 095.66
Tangible assets total
Other receivables33.0034.1935.2135.2135.21
Investments total33.0034.1935.2135.2135.21
Long term receivables total
Advance payments1 280.001 487.93
Inventories total1 280.001 487.93
Current trade debtors581.00647.26312.05
Prepayments and accrued income107.00143.48
Current other receivables216.00102.15147.9342.41
Current deferred tax assets132.00242.58739.63687.72750.59
Short term receivables total1 036.001 135.46887.56730.131 062.64
Cash and bank deposits617.00966.83256.99319.35218.61
Cash and cash equivalents617.00966.83256.99319.35218.61
Balance sheet total (assets)3 206.004 824.393 852.954 317.544 412.12

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital80.0080.0080.0080.0080.00
Other reserves935.992 085.082 521.822 414.61
Retained earnings322.00- 931.39-2 577.19- 413.04- 554.25
Profit of the financial year- 317.00- 496.70-1 956.11- 248.42- 344.99
Shareholders equity total85.00- 412.11-2 368.221 940.361 595.37
Capital loans1 205.002 250.002 641.49
Non-current owed to group member350.001 575.06
Non-current other liabilities315.14
Non-current deferred tax liabilities316.71
Non-current liabilities total1 205.002 600.004 531.69316.71
Advances received896.001 262.7818.6141.92
Current trade creditors758.00501.531 032.19949.391 584.29
Current owed to participating31.16
Short-term deferred tax liabilities46.0045.53
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities216.00557.50638.68674.67234.74
Accruals and deferred income238.00
Current liabilities total1 916.002 636.491 689.471 665.981 819.03
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 206.004 824.393 852.954 317.544 412.12
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