fionia parket aps — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 34879362
Lind Hansens Vej 13 G, 5000 Odense C
tel: 73710000

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit509.00511.001 700.003 279.001 064.59
Employee benefit expenses- 393.00- 467.00- 876.00-1 420.00-1 682.53
Other operating expenses-5.00
Total depreciation-17.00-19.00-26.00-30.00-28.87
EBIT99.0020.00798.001 829.00- 646.81
Other financial income1.0018.0084.57
Other financial expenses-23.00-18.00-23.00-90.00- 107.86
Pre-tax profit76.002.00776.001 757.00- 670.10
Income taxes-17.00-1.00- 172.00- 395.00146.78
Net earnings59.001.00604.001 362.00- 523.32

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure36.0024.0012.00
Intangible assets total36.0024.0012.00
Machinery and equipment29.0048.00124.00224.00222.41
Tangible assets total29.0048.00124.00224.00222.41
Other receivables43.0043.0043.0043.29
Investments total43.0043.0043.0043.29
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods563.00548.00763.00814.001 571.50
Inventories total563.00548.00763.00814.001 571.50
Current trade debtors297.00286.001 609.003 110.00543.96
Prepayments and accrued income7.004.0019.0019.0015.40
Current other receivables68.00224.00178.00630.00678.26
Current deferred tax assets2.00136.06
Short term receivables total372.00516.001 806.003 759.001 373.68
Cash and bank deposits200.00619.001 015.00506.003.64
Cash and cash equivalents200.00619.001 015.00506.003.64
Balance sheet total (assets)1 200.001 798.003 763.005 346.003 214.53

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital80.0080.0080.0080.0080.00
Other reserves36.0024.0012.00
Retained earnings235.00306.00319.00935.002 297.32
Profit of the financial year59.001.00604.001 362.00- 523.32
Shareholders equity total410.00411.001 015.002 377.001 854.00
Capital loans240.00160.0080.00
Non-current liabilities total240.00160.0080.00
Short-term capital loans80.0080.0080.0080.00
Current loans from credit institutions1.0017.0024.0036.00115.43
Current trade creditors83.0042.00160.00617.00416.29
Current owed to participating4.00244.0082.002.89
Current owed to group member382.00359.82
Short-term deferred tax liabilities168.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities370.001 079.001 982.001 763.00466.11
Current liabilities total538.001 218.002 658.002 960.001 360.53
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 200.001 798.003 763.005 346.003 214.53
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