Comida Fødevarerådgivning ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 33637667
Nørrevoldgade 58, 5800 Nyborg
tel: 61706530

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales2 995.20
External services- 487.82
Gross profit2 507.382 081.243 278.274 509.18
Employee benefit expenses-2 333.12-1 670.63-2 731.18-2 991.82-4 060.13
Total depreciation- 286.75- 342.64- 332.66
Other financial income-31.44-8.23-14.05-37.66-63.43
Reduction non-current investment assets- 139.29- 213.89
Pre-tax profit3.52188.49246.29410.6252.96
Income taxes-51.11-90.34-13.24
Net earnings3.52188.49195.18320.2839.72

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure906.551 057.161 050.01966.271 036.81
Intangible assets total906.551 057.161 050.01966.271 036.81
Machinery and equipment70.8570.8570.8570.85181.60
Tangible assets total70.8570.8570.8570.85181.60
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors855.061 167.351 633.211 609.111 576.90
Current other receivables0.100.10
Short term receivables total855.161 167.451 633.211 609.111 576.90
Cash and bank deposits48.51
Cash and cash equivalents48.51
Balance sheet total (assets)1 881.072 295.462 754.072 646.232 795.32

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital80.0080.0080.0080.0080.00
Other reserves66.0069.51258.00534.59958.70
Retained earnings0.0051.1113.24
Profit of the financial year3.52188.49195.18320.2839.72
Shareholders equity total149.51338.00584.29934.871 091.66
Non-current loans from credit institutions336.28448.26346.36471.14
Non-current liabilities total336.28448.26346.36471.14
Current trade creditors260.96189.29
Current owed to participating187.66202.09202.09202.09202.09
Short-term deferred tax liabilities90.34
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 543.901 419.081 519.43811.62841.14
Current liabilities total1 731.551 621.171 721.521 365.011 232.52
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 881.072 295.462 754.072 646.232 795.32
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