Green.Click A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 32651321
Lyngvej 1, 9000 Aalborg
tel: 70230540

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit14 383.7116 201.1415 347.8716 415.7515 874.38
Employee benefit expenses-13 606.66-14 690.35-13 554.54-15 258.15-15 916.19
Total depreciation- 998.39-1 282.23-1 079.53- 757.24- 526.90
EBIT- 221.34228.56713.80400.36- 568.71
Other financial income45.3633.0611.7530.9224.41
Other financial expenses-62.72-58.87-56.03-38.57-36.07
Net income from associates (fin.)- 206.12
Pre-tax profit- 238.70202.76669.53392.71- 786.49
Income taxes34.84-55.83- 156.32-89.34125.90
Net earnings- 203.87146.93513.21303.37- 660.59

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure2 084.941 405.80651.00197.95
Intangible rights278.1355.6331.5459.9530.32
Intangible assets total2 456.811 480.17682.54257.9030.32
Machinery and equipment200.03179.37185.14359.66210.98
Tangible assets total725.30671.89551.40833.87567.30
Participating interests200.00200.00
Other non-current investments71.4725.60
Investments total71.4725.60200.00200.00
Non-current other receivables31.052.0957.58
Long term receivables total31.052.0957.58
Inventories total
Current trade debtors936.801 493.902 817.611 491.26743.88
Current amounts owed by group member comp.903.89216.19201.9366.06
Prepayments and accrued income54.45276.9666.2875.9950.18
Current other receivables105.001 069.07782.7755.06278.46
Current deferred tax assets106.60
Short term receivables total2 000.143 056.123 868.591 688.381 179.12
Cash and bank deposits402.874 463.751 565.911 005.001 218.62
Cash and cash equivalents402.874 463.751 565.911 005.001 218.62
Balance sheet total (assets)5 687.649 699.636 868.434 042.722 995.37

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital400.00400.00400.00400.00400.00
Shares repurchased750.00
Other reserves1 422.151 014.88507.78154.40
Retained earnings- 329.55- 126.15- 222.12644.471 102.24
Profit of the financial year- 203.87146.93513.21303.37- 660.59
Shareholders equity total1 288.731 435.661 948.871 502.24841.65
Non-current other liabilities435.99993.79
Non-current liabilities total435.99993.79
Current loans from credit institutions54.8866.8741.2441.1750.38
Current trade creditors329.83487.40553.92430.09195.90
Current owed to group member460.9913.66
Short-term deferred tax liabilities229.17365.81158.57
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities2 026.294 848.772 810.401 301.051 711.13
Accruals and deferred income764.171 339.941 059.66590.30182.65
Current liabilities total3 636.166 972.154 831.032 521.182 153.72
Balance sheet total (liabilities)5 687.649 699.636 868.434 042.722 995.37
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