Snehvidegaarden ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 32344895
P Nørkjærs Plads 5, 9800 Hjørring
tel: 51909070

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 332.001 382.181 337.551 459.171 392.54
Reduction in value of non-current assets2 300.001 300.00-1 500.00- 500.00
EBIT3 632.001 382.182 637.55-40.83892.54
Other financial income54.0062.0039.51200.25225.29
Other financial expenses- 140.00- 182.49- 161.55- 657.05-1 095.89
Pre-tax profit3 546.001 261.702 515.51- 497.6221.93
Income taxes- 780.00- 277.57- 553.41109.49-4.83
Net earnings2 766.00984.121 962.09- 388.1317.11

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings33 700.0033 700.0035 000.0033 500.0033 000.00
Tangible assets total33 700.0033 700.0035 000.0033 500.0033 000.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.2 705.003 266.053 652.374 402.634 627.88
Prepayments and accrued income50.0050.2755.2254.9159.23
Short term receivables total2 755.003 316.323 707.594 457.544 687.11
Cash and bank deposits562.00232.60615.38121.72116.69
Cash and cash equivalents562.00232.60615.38121.72116.69
Balance sheet total (assets)37 017.0037 248.9239 322.9838 079.2637 803.79

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital250.00250.00250.00250.00250.00
Retained earnings5 760.008 525.719 509.8311 471.9311 083.80
Profit of the financial year2 766.00984.121 962.09- 388.1317.11
Shareholders equity total8 776.009 759.8411 721.9311 333.8011 350.91
Provisions1 796.001 815.392 138.101 827.201 737.32
Non-current loans from credit institutions20 541.0020 600.4220 559.9320 597.2320 605.52
Non-current other liabilities2 890.002 408.571 926.85
Non-current deferred tax liabilities254.00257.82230.701 646.551 058.22
Non-current liabilities total23 685.0023 266.8122 717.4922 243.7721 663.74
Current loans from credit institutions561.00505.05510.72481.71481.72
Advances received141.33114.54123.83137.17
Current trade creditors60.0060.5962.0568.7464.89
Current owed to group member1 238.001 079.571 344.581 328.631 693.44
Short-term deferred tax liabilities333.00254.17257.82230.70201.32
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities568.00366.19455.76440.88473.30
Current liabilities total2 760.002 406.892 745.462 674.493 051.83
Balance sheet total (liabilities)37 017.0037 248.9239 322.9838 079.2637 803.79
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