CAPICENTER ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 31373689
Gothersgade 35, 1123 København K

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 476.731 334.74- 684.47-2 158.07- 692.36
Employee benefit expenses-34.47-5.24-2.02
Total depreciation-5 969.53
EBIT1 442.251 329.50- 686.49-2 158.07-6 661.89
Other financial income61.0053.9454.32246.18371.57
Other financial expenses-12.96-16.78-63.94-27.99- 118.69
Net income from associates (fin.)1 046.81-3 201.152 914.34
Pre-tax profit1 490.292 413.46-3 897.26974.46-6 409.01
Income taxes- 238.25
Net earnings1 490.292 175.21-3 897.26974.46-6 409.01

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Holdings in group member companies5 170.001 456.812 255.665 170.005 170.00
Participating interests40.000.00
Investments total5 210.001 456.812 255.665 170.005 170.00
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods1 282.265 648.64395.59395.59
Inventories total1 282.265 648.64395.59395.59
Current amounts owed by group member comp.1 734.662 403.262 332.87457.35334.93
Current owed by particip. interest comp.3 111.00458.85458.85463.43468.07
Current other receivables8 750.004 868.005 847.498 293.12947.61
Current deferred tax assets8.0011.0022.00
Short term receivables total13 603.667 730.108 639.209 224.901 772.60
Cash and bank deposits67.154 925.844 934.70788.1262.07
Cash and cash equivalents67.154 925.844 934.70788.1262.07
Balance sheet total (assets)20 163.0719 761.3916 225.1615 578.617 004.68

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased55.3056.5057.6058.9061.00
Retained earnings13 982.8915 416.6817 534.2913 578.1411 503.80
Profit of the financial year1 490.292 175.21-3 897.26974.46-6 409.01
Shareholders equity total15 653.4817 773.3913 819.6414 736.505 280.79
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors18.47
Current owed to participating4 421.741 702.502 252.821 300.27
Short-term deferred tax liabilities230.25135.84
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities87.8555.2516.87823.64423.62
Current liabilities total4 509.591 988.002 405.52842.121 723.88
Balance sheet total (liabilities)20 163.0719 761.3916 225.1615 578.617 004.68
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