SYMPHONY GROUP HOLDING ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 31177480
Fjordvej 84, Strandhuse 6000 Kolding
tel: 42131000

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales
Gross profit- 177.8478 052.5830 335.14
Costs of management-21 790.70
Costs of distribution-2 765.46
Employee benefit expenses-72 115.80
Total depreciation-1 776.94
EBIT- 177.844 159.845 778.98
Other financial income32.4236.71
Other financial expenses- 244.55-1 118.69- 812.02
Net income from associates (fin.)20.62532.11489.09
Pre-tax profit- 401.773 605.665 492.76
Income taxes31.72-1 228.59
Net earnings- 401.773 637.394 264.18

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights64.971.42
Intangible assets total534.64353.68
Buildings4 377.654 313.27
Machinery and equipment13.19
Tangible assets total4 390.854 313.27
Participating interests2 597.48995.301 507.82
Investments total2 597.48995.301 507.82
Non-current other receivables841.85656.66
Long term receivables total841.85656.66
Raw materials and consumables1 050.451 185.12
Inventories total1 050.451 185.12
Current trade debtors24 875.0437 200.90
Current owed by particip. interest comp.6 066.134 393.37
Prepayments and accrued income2 373.783 227.21
Current other receivables7 986.692 871.01
Current deferred tax assets4 686.643 590.37
Short term receivables total45 988.2851 282.86
Cash and bank deposits0.49627.562 165.79
Cash and cash equivalents0.49627.562 165.79
Balance sheet total (assets)2 597.9754 428.9261 465.20

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00
Other reserves745.301 257.83
Retained earnings-2 403.64-1 530.88- 240.89
Profit of the financial year- 401.773 637.394 264.18
Minority interest (BS)4 015.395 460.23
Shareholders equity total-2 680.426 992.2010 866.34
Non-current loans from credit institutions2 249.691 912.36
Non-current leasing loans1 629.641 583.77
Non-current deferred tax liabilities2 240.566 290.71
Non-current liabilities total2 249.695 782.557 874.48
Current loans from credit institutions900.0013 329.9715 278.52
Current trade creditors77.348 460.196 976.63
Current owed to participating2 051.36432.57650.24
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities19 019.3819 232.30
Accruals and deferred income412.06586.68
Current liabilities total3 028.7041 654.1742 724.38
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 597.9754 428.9261 465.20
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