CVR number: 30713176
Nitivej 10, 2000 Frederiksberg

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit216 224.77251 012.39254 919.53279 972.01300 854.41
Employee benefit expenses- 226 579.28- 245 455.34- 246 220.07- 253 839.23- 278 976.17
Total depreciation-1 005.29-2 400.58-3 649.79-4 247.37-4 011.14
EBIT-11 359.803 156.475 049.6621 885.4017 867.10
Other financial income183.88158.05498.26654.281 072.39
Other financial expenses- 223.45- 404.74- 488.10-1 125.76- 770.67
Pre-tax profit-11 399.372 909.785 059.8221 413.9218 168.81
Income taxes2 482.09- 654.10-1 120.67-4 783.93-4 006.77
Net earnings-8 917.272 255.693 939.1516 630.0014 162.04

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure399.43325.73681.38
Intangible assets total399.43325.73681.38
Buildings1 933.017 299.2010 187.2311 246.0511 179.56
Machinery and equipment2 531.604 316.143 850.932 492.722 580.69
Tangible assets total4 464.6111 615.3414 038.1613 738.7713 760.25
Other receivables6 543.787 097.647 267.3510 504.6414 920.51
Investments total6 543.787 097.647 267.3510 504.6414 920.51
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors7 906.7120 777.8023 699.889 940.3313 831.59
Current other receivables6 628.2115 204.3919 721.7217 160.6152 742.50
Current deferred tax assets2 216.64437.68498.02595.63543.98
Short term receivables total16 751.5636 419.8843 919.6227 696.5767 118.07
Cash and bank deposits19 150.0715 914.6210 194.2326 552.219 758.52
Cash and cash equivalents19 150.0715 914.6210 194.2326 552.219 758.52
Balance sheet total (assets)46 910.0271 047.4775 818.7878 817.93106 238.74

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Retained earnings5 114.74-3 802.53-1 546.852 392.3119 022.31
Profit of the financial year-8 917.272 255.693 939.1516 630.0014 162.04
Shareholders equity total-3 677.53-1 421.852 517.3119 147.3133 309.35
Provisions78.37238.18524.10720.701 015.35
Non-current other liabilities5 634.20
Non-current liabilities total5 634.20
Current loans from credit institutions8 184.0211 959.8612 319.7813 041.5220 050.67
Advances received252.1099.90
Current trade creditors2 364.416 163.804 049.622 734.116 053.42
Short-term deferred tax liabilities1 058.931 673.694 684.943 660.48
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities39 960.7653 048.5449 100.0838 237.2542 049.58
Current liabilities total50 509.1972 231.1467 143.1858 949.9271 914.05
Balance sheet total (liabilities)46 910.0271 047.4775 818.7878 817.93106 238.74
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