CVR number: 30614763
Fabriksvej 80, 4700 Næstved

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit5 586.645 702.405 577.074 612.205 066.77
Employee benefit expenses-4 793.04-4 601.16-4 376.54-4 597.61-4 505.14
Other operating expenses-24.63- 146.53-2.31
Total depreciation- 675.04- 787.66- 579.54- 568.88- 572.49
EBIT118.57338.20474.45- 551.98-10.87
Other financial income2.261.503.303.302.96
Other financial expenses- 262.98- 285.99- 138.79-59.15- 155.81
Pre-tax profit- 142.1453.71338.97- 607.82- 163.71
Income taxes30.97-13.24-75.15110.2657.97
Net earnings- 111.1740.47263.82- 497.56- 105.74

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total102.06
Land and waters6 048.495 824.555 602.525 386.725 510.61
Machinery and equipment1 315.611 641.32932.59738.32583.59
Tangible assets total7 364.107 465.876 535.116 125.036 094.20
Other receivables14.0414.6414.6414.6414.64
Investments total14.0414.6414.6414.6414.64
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods669.49616.58454.37390.48405.05
Inventories total669.49616.58454.37390.48405.05
Current trade debtors2 078.481 917.962 879.942 162.571 148.59
Prepayments and accrued income68.5996.48208.59193.23247.90
Current other receivables40.52112.5567.6996.1172.36
Short term receivables total2 187.602 126.993 156.222 451.911 468.85
Cash and bank deposits0.
Cash and cash equivalents0.
Balance sheet total (assets)10 337.3510 224.3310 160.388 982.108 156.05

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00
Shares repurchased90.00101.0061.00
Retained earnings3 608.983 407.803 347.273 510.092 951.53
Profit of the financial year- 111.1740.47263.82- 497.56- 105.74
Shareholders equity total3 997.804 038.274 212.093 512.533 406.79
Non-current loans from credit institutions3 174.733 503.823 130.263 181.423 171.85
Non-current liabilities total3 174.733 503.823 130.263 181.423 171.85
Current loans from credit institutions1 546.27307.70984.12163.16139.58
Current trade creditors580.34658.22859.18913.48791.48
Current owed to participating47.7149.091.1966.2872.78
Current owed to group member90.2285.87205.16430.2560.05
Short-term deferred tax liabilities23.46112.0961.21
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities588.921 256.78392.11584.51451.02
Current liabilities total2 853.472 381.122 553.852 157.691 576.14
Balance sheet total (liabilities)10 337.3510 224.3310 160.388 982.108 156.05
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