KRONE INVEST ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 30355393
Byvolden 5, 4000 Roskilde
tel: 22773867

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit968.271 301.291 424.081 032.78358.35
Employee benefit expenses- 877.66- 929.11-1 701.25- 949.47- 651.72
Other operating expenses-29.95-82.85
Total depreciation-2.17
EBIT58.48289.33- 277.1883.31- 293.37
Other financial income30.0030.00115.401 581.461 225.91
Other financial expenses-19.56-39.56195.82- 214.33-40.85
Pre-tax profit68.92279.77404.321 450.44891.69
Income taxes-17.78-77.2075.05- 181.45- 200.91
Net earnings51.14202.57479.371 268.99690.78

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters1 688.60
Tangible assets total1 688.60
Participating interests745.13745.13
Other receivables2.702.702.70
Investments total745.13745.132.702.702.70
Non-current loans receivable704.47704.47704.47
Long term receivables total704.47704.47704.47
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.435.11
Current owed by particip. interest comp.675.55
Prepayments and accrued income0.81
Current other receivables607.50600.00945.74477.371 116.01
Current deferred tax assets6.3474.53
Short term receivables total1 290.201 035.111 020.27477.371 116.01
Other current investments401.954 268.303 934.00
Cash and bank deposits27.18705.033 870.06234.23548.15
Cash and cash equivalents27.18705.034 272.024 502.544 482.15
Balance sheet total (assets)4 455.583 189.745 999.454 982.605 600.86

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital130.00130.00130.00130.00130.00
Shares repurchased110.60200.00217.80122.00100.00
Other reserves- 100.00- 100.00
Retained earnings2 545.782 283.922 268.692 626.073 795.05
Profit of the financial year51.14202.57479.371 268.99690.78
Shareholders equity total2 837.522 816.492 995.864 147.054 615.83
Non-current loans from credit institutions978.60
Non-current deferred tax liabilities14.1860.0479.5985.77
Non-current liabilities total992.7860.0479.5985.77
Current loans from credit institutions54.34
Current owed to participating362.38162.792 938.48714.93828.76
Current owed to group member37.50
Short-term deferred tax liabilities99.8410.7131.8170.49
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities108.72102.2133.2941.03
Current liabilities total625.28313.213 003.59755.96899.25
Balance sheet total (liabilities)4 455.583 189.745 999.454 982.605 600.86
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