Frydendahl & Co. A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 29886016
Søndergade 1, 6960 Hvide Sande

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit26 945.0022 785.0026 227.0027 638.0017 120.00
Employee benefit expenses-19 524.00-19 647.00-19 831.00-21 082.00-13 376.00
Other operating expenses-8.00
Total depreciation-2 544.00-2 644.00-2 484.00-1 852.00-1 261.00
EBIT4 877.00494.003 912.004 696.002 483.00
Other financial income1 100.00637.00415.00193.00533.00
Other financial expenses-2 783.00-2 240.00-2 055.00-1 715.00-1 328.00
Reduction non-current investment assets-3 080.00
Income from other inv. held as non-curr. assets2 415.00135.00
Net income from associates (fin.)167.00257.0069.00154.00253.00
Pre-tax profit3 361.00- 852.002 341.002 663.002 076.00
Income taxes- 688.00250.00- 558.00-45.00- 373.00
Net earnings2 673.00- 602.001 783.002 618.001 703.00

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure68.00
Intangible rights146.0051.0034.0017.00
Intangible assets total214.00173.00131.00102.00
Land and waters33 960.0033 277.0032 673.0031 779.0026 457.00
Buildings5 659.005 167.002 355.001 884.00
Machinery and equipment1 949.001 657.001 495.001 128.00416.00
Tangible assets total41 568.0040 101.0036 523.0034 791.0026 873.00
Participating interests3 753.003 985.004 038.004 192.004 419.00
Investments total3 753.003 985.004 038.004 192.004 419.00
Non-current loans receivable1 454.001 507.001 507.003 919.004 159.00
Non-current other receivables2 826.003 183.00306.00290.00180.00
Long term receivables total4 280.004 690.001 813.004 209.004 339.00
Raw materials and consumables3 981.003 878.003 932.004 154.00
Finished products/goods18 582.0018 101.0020 343.0021 539.003 544.00
Inventories total22 563.0021 979.0024 275.0025 693.003 544.00
Current trade debtors6 875.006 140.009 897.006 899.00165.00
Current owed by particip. interest comp.15.00
Current other receivables1 484.001 967.001 753.001 898.006 233.00
Short term receivables total8 359.008 107.0011 665.008 797.006 398.00
Cash and bank deposits776.00876.00634.001 356.006 392.00
Cash and cash equivalents776.00876.00634.001 356.006 392.00
Balance sheet total (assets)81 513.0079 911.0079 079.0079 140.0051 965.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital500.00500.00500.00500.00500.00
Asset revaluation reserve9 811.009 623.009 435.009 247.009 059.00
Other reserves612.00766.00994.00
Retained earnings8 718.0011 565.0010 555.0012 394.0014 973.00
Profit of the financial year2 673.00- 602.001 783.002 618.001 703.00
Minority interest (BS)-67.00-60.00-56.00-68.00
Shareholders equity total21 635.0021 026.0022 829.0025 457.0027 229.00
Provisions3 695.003 526.003 705.003 522.004 349.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions27 313.0024 488.0023 816.0017 436.0015 847.00
Non-current other liabilities155.00103.00
Non-current deferred tax liabilities356.00
Non-current liabilities total27 669.0024 488.0023 971.0017 539.0015 847.00
Current loans from credit institutions21 722.0019 462.0013 220.0016 900.001 069.00
Current trade creditors2 083.001 783.002 562.002 386.001 089.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities229.00363.00584.00234.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities4 709.009 397.0012 429.0012 752.002 148.00
Current liabilities total28 514.0030 871.0028 574.0032 622.004 540.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)81 513.0079 911.0079 079.0079 140.0051 965.00
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