CVR number: 29143609
Jupitervej 6, Rom 7620 Lemvig

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length12121212
Net sales
Gross profit9 562.008 406.0020 251.0022 243.00
Employee benefit expenses-3 513.00-5 928.00-7 196.00-9 088.00
Other operating expenses-36.00-3.00-68.00
Total depreciation- 191.00- 326.00- 835.00- 875.00
EBIT5 822.002 149.0012 152.0012 280.00
Other financial income74.00404.00419.00125.00
Other financial expenses- 730.00- 710.00- 526.00-1 007.00
Net income from associates (fin.)65.00- 589.00- 155.00
Pre-tax profit5 166.001 908.0011 456.0011 243.00
Income taxes-1 186.00- 414.00-2 752.00-2 249.00
Net earnings3 980.001 494.008 704.008 994.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights2.0020.00
Intangible assets total2.0020.00
Land and waters1 967.003 622.00
Buildings4 418.00
Machinery and equipment747.002 755.002 507.004 164.00
Tangible assets total747.004 722.006 129.008 582.00
Participating interests68.00
Investments total68.00
Deferred tax assets13.00155.00
Long term receivables total13.00155.00
Finished products/goods4 370.007 871.0011 778.0014 030.00
Advance payments501.003 656.002 168.001 450.00
Inventories total4 871.0011 527.0013 946.0015 480.00
Current trade debtors14 344.0011 606.0022 329.0018 492.00
Current owed by particip. interest comp.359.00
Prepayments and accrued income152.00555.00260.00165.00
Current other receivables1 438.001 831.001 908.002 631.00
Current deferred tax assets2.0040.00220.00
Short term receivables total15 936.0014 032.0025 076.0021 288.00
Cash and bank deposits621.002 400.003 419.0013 518.00
Cash and cash equivalents621.002 400.003 419.0013 518.00
Balance sheet total (assets)22 190.0032 749.0048 745.0058 868.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased1 000.003 000.003 500.002 500.00
Other reserves2 281.00
Retained earnings3 573.004 508.005 139.009 460.00
Profit of the financial year3 980.001 494.008 704.008 994.00
Minority interest (BS)45.001 465.002 387.00
Shareholders equity total8 678.009 172.0018 933.0025 747.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions2 472.001 540.002 807.003 210.00
Non-current other liabilities3.00240.00
Non-current liabilities total2 472.001 543.003 047.003 210.00
Current loans from credit institutions2 067.008 034.009 232.007 927.00
Advances received598.0023.00
Current trade creditors6 269.0012 309.0013 099.0017 938.00
Current owed to participating250.00106.00413.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities993.00151.002 324.001 868.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 363.001 298.001 099.001 939.00
Accruals and deferred income98.00136.00
Current liabilities total11 040.0022 034.0026 765.0029 695.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)22 190.0032 749.0048 747.0058 868.00
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