JYSK ENERGI FIBERNET A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 28970420
Skivevej 120, 7500 Holstebro
tel: 96100225

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit18 013.0021 962.0029 031.0031 772.0020 005.00
Employee benefit expenses-7 332.00-7 963.00-10 397.00-14 488.00-4.00
Total depreciation-3 399.00-3 052.00-14 509.00-15 939.00-16 860.00
EBIT7 282.0010 947.004 125.001 345.003 141.00
Other financial income96.0013.00121.0046.0035.00
Other financial expenses-33.00- 122.00-5 285.00-6 875.00-11 549.00
Pre-tax profit7 345.0010 838.00-1 039.00-5 484.00-8 373.00
Income taxes-1 630.00-2 396.0042.001 273.001 443.00
Net earnings5 715.008 442.00- 997.00-4 211.00-6 930.00

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure15.001 005.005 129.00
Intangible rights15.00
Goodwill9 701.008 893.008 085.00
Intangible assets total15.0015.009 701.009 898.0013 214.00
Land and waters802.00
Buildings30 549.0036 832.00244 726.00271 106.00306 921.00
Machinery and equipment966.00730.001 479.003 640.008 775.00
Advance payments and construction in progress14 169.00
Tangible assets total32 317.0037 562.00246 205.00274 746.00329 865.00
Investments total
Non-current loans receivable23 888.009 360.009 360.009 360.00
Long term receivables total23 888.009 360.009 360.009 360.00
Raw materials and consumables5 972.0010 573.009 426.00
Finished products/goods5 695.00
Inventories total5 695.005 972.0010 573.009 426.00
Current trade debtors5 878.0023 448.0015 448.008 781.007 273.00
Current amounts owed by group member comp.9 367.002 354.00128.001 152.00
Prepayments and accrued income135.00143.001 101.00860.00336.00
Current other receivables24.00441.007 843.003 540.004 734.00
Current deferred tax assets632.0016 097.0017 292.0017 187.00
Short term receivables total16 036.0026 386.0040 617.0031 625.0029 530.00
Cash and bank deposits91.00
Cash and cash equivalents91.00
Balance sheet total (assets)78 042.0069 935.00316 456.00335 055.00381 969.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital11 000.0011 000.0011 000.0011 000.0011 000.00
Shares repurchased50 000.008 457.00
Other reserves12.0012.00774.003 999.00
Retained earnings-1 546.00-4 290.0019 509.0017 737.00210 301.00
Profit of the financial year5 715.008 442.00- 997.00-4 211.00-6 930.00
Shareholders equity total65 181.0023 621.0029 512.0025 300.00218 370.00
Provisions5 667.008 207.00
Non-current owed to group member177 335.00183 640.0070 000.00
Non-current accruals and deferred income23 178.0057 926.0056 925.00
Non-current other liabilities277.00
Non-current liabilities total277.00200 513.00241 566.00126 925.00
Current loans from credit institutions24.0021.00913.002 012.002 032.00
Current trade creditors2 349.003 742.0011 124.003 865.0017 284.00
Current owed to group member121.0028 526.0056 872.0060 334.0017 358.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities935.00749.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities3 488.005 069.003 100.001 978.00
Accruals and deferred income14 422.00
Current liabilities total6 917.0038 107.0086 431.0068 189.0036 674.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)78 042.0069 935.00316 456.00335 055.00381 969.00
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