CVR number: 28864035
Skibbrogade 3, 9000 Aalborg
tel: 98775042

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 668.321 739.291 767.791 708.341 575.93
Reduction in value of non-current assets900.001 950.00878.00892.00
EBIT1 668.322 639.293 717.792 586.342 467.93
Other financial income0.10
Other financial expenses- 148.15- 258.35- 169.84- 283.95- 846.87
Pre-tax profit1 520.172 380.943 547.952 302.391 621.16
Income taxes- 885.4125.86- 780.65- 509.06- 358.35
Net earnings634.762 406.802 767.291 793.321 262.81

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings45 000.0045 900.0047 850.0048 728.0049 620.00
Tangible assets total45 000.0045 900.0047 850.0048 728.0049 620.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current other receivables96.9518.6357.84
Current deferred tax assets45.21
Short term receivables total96.9518.6357.8445.21
Cash and bank deposits5.36393.96366.577.69555.06
Cash and cash equivalents5.36393.96366.577.69555.06
Balance sheet total (assets)45 102.3146 312.5948 274.4048 735.6950 220.27

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital130.00130.00130.00130.00130.00
Shares repurchased3 000.00
Retained earnings12 262.2812 897.0415 303.8418 071.1419 864.46
Profit of the financial year634.762 406.802 767.291 793.321 262.81
Shareholders equity total16 027.0415 433.8418 201.1419 994.4621 257.27
Provisions2 451.042 079.432 509.652 703.982 937.54
Non-current loans from credit institutions24 021.3526 253.6524 727.5324 792.6924 949.00
Non-current other liabilities624.95644.19652.34618.56701.01
Non-current liabilities total24 646.3026 897.8325 379.8725 411.2525 650.01
Current loans from credit institutions1 523.761 520.331 528.38
Current trade creditors114.5252.8475.91113.7270.32
Short-term deferred tax liabilities34.2010.75268.44174.73
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities305.45268.70311.02337.55305.13
Accruals and deferred income48.86
Current liabilities total1 977.931 901.482 183.75626.00375.45
Balance sheet total (liabilities)45 102.3146 312.5948 274.4048 735.6950 220.27
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