FIBERBY ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 28292139
Otto Busses Vej 3 A, 2450 København SV
tel: 33230099

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit14 788.0018 161.0019 102.0025 257.6128 709.35
Employee benefit expenses-12 354.00-13 388.00-14 442.00-14 531.85-17 480.60
Total depreciation-2 041.00-1 864.00-1 953.00-2 264.89-2 670.05
EBIT393.002 909.002 707.008 460.878 558.71
Other financial income20.0015.0012.002.6788.61
Other financial expenses-54.00-57.00- 107.00-77.52-15.39
Pre-tax profit359.002 867.002 612.008 386.038 631.92
Income taxes-81.00- 638.00- 577.00-1 848.73-1 902.73
Net earnings278.002 229.002 035.006 537.306 729.19

Assets (kDKK)

Goodwill2 367.502 029.29
Intangible assets total2 367.502 029.29
Buildings4 827.005 409.006 819.006 562.836 510.45
Machinery and equipment898.00328.00436.00312.56205.31
Tangible assets total5 725.005 737.007 255.006 875.396 715.76
Other receivables226.00230.00234.00244.76253.12
Investments total226.00230.00234.00244.76253.12
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables252.00789.001 392.00
Finished products/goods853.89417.31
Inventories total252.00789.001 392.00853.89417.31
Current trade debtors885.00214.001 630.172 146.88
Current amounts owed by group member comp.339.00776.00297.312 012.71
Prepayments and accrued income1 119.00892.00866.001 014.161 117.91
Current other receivables233.0054.45693.58
Current deferred tax assets283.00357.00454.00513.64670.04
Short term receivables total2 287.001 588.002 543.003 509.726 641.12
Cash and bank deposits1 566.005 227.00922.005 472.1512 958.58
Cash and cash equivalents1 566.005 227.00922.005 472.1512 958.58
Balance sheet total (assets)10 056.0013 571.0012 346.0019 323.4229 015.18

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital126.00126.00126.00126.00126.00
Shares repurchased1 500.001 500.001 500.006 000.00
Retained earnings5 442.004 220.004 950.005 484.686 021.98
Profit of the financial year278.002 229.002 035.006 537.306 729.19
Shareholders equity total5 846.008 075.008 611.0013 647.9818 877.17
Non-current other liabilities403.00
Non-current liabilities total403.00
Current loans from credit institutions4.00
Advances received323.00123.50
Current trade creditors696.00815.001 301.001 440.092 607.20
Current owed to group member559.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities797.00674.001 908.632 059.13
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities2 552.003 557.001 760.002 326.725 348.17
Current liabilities total3 807.005 496.003 735.005 675.4410 138.01
Balance sheet total (liabilities)10 056.0013 571.0012 346.0019 323.4229 015.18
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