2TAL MANAGEMENT ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 27266185
Faksinge By 8, 4720 Præstø

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 056.51961.89322.27943.06791.58
Employee benefit expenses-80.51-80.59-67.53-54.75-59.59
Total depreciation- 100.80- 101.59- 122.09- 122.27-85.16
Other financial income111.9526.7977.080.10
Other financial expenses-31.41-30.12- 644.84-75.60- 250.40
Pre-tax profit843.78861.55- 485.41767.52396.54
Income taxes- 184.75- 194.78101.75- 178.224.68
Net earnings659.02666.77- 383.65589.29401.21

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters1 736.272 550.002 623.652 570.262 720.87
Machinery and equipment263.80194.92126.0457.1625.40
Tangible assets total2 000.072 744.922 749.702 627.422 746.27
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors91.35362.6278.54143.73146.00
Current other receivables650.25586.90353.50465.59
Current deferred tax assets0.140.14
Short term receivables total741.60949.52432.17609.46146.00
Other current investments1 611.951 831.432 261.30
Cash and bank deposits1 127.05256.071 569.02866.82663.77
Cash and cash equivalents1 127.051 868.031 569.022 698.252 925.07
Balance sheet total (assets)3 868.725 562.474 750.895 935.135 817.34

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Other reserves641.82628.99616.15762.44
Retained earnings923.081 582.112 261.711 890.902 027.44
Profit of the financial year659.02666.77- 383.65589.29401.21
Shareholders equity total1 707.113 015.702 632.053 221.343 316.09
Non-current loans from credit institutions1 411.001 411.001 411.001 411.001 411.00
Non-current deferred tax liabilities64.37213.48143.21103.61
Non-current liabilities total1 475.371 624.481 411.001 554.211 514.61
Current owed to participating164.15157.5579.42759.97440.28
Short-term deferred tax liabilities110.4856.80198.67147.73
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities275.99416.31238.80173.64244.19
Current liabilities total550.62630.67516.89933.61832.20
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 868.725 562.474 750.895 935.135 817.34
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