TA HOLBÆK ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 27024181
Fasanalle 20, 4500 Nykøbing Sj
tel: 59499899

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit- 298.09164.231 678.801 979.90327.19
Employee benefit expenses- 457.97-1 203.40-1 218.76- 782.53- 561.01
Other operating expenses- 685.40- 109.94
Total depreciation-15.00
EBIT-1 441.45-1 149.12460.041 197.36- 248.82
Other financial income1 385.02100.0339.58176.84303.10
Other financial expenses- 248.87- 239.07- 220.11-54.33- 181.13
Pre-tax profit- 305.31-1 288.16279.521 319.88- 126.85
Income taxes- 180.00544.09-39.80- 290.8727.86
Net earnings- 485.31- 744.07239.711 029.01-99.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings2 195.00
Machinery and equipment85.00
Tangible assets total2 195.0085.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods4 018.567 026.166 817.578 296.17
Inventories total4 018.567 026.166 817.578 296.17
Current trade debtors33.4161.27
Current amounts owed by group member comp.567.405 353.055 795.03
Current owed by particip. interest comp.2 291.062 796.97
Current other receivables4 210.000.542 100.00
Current deferred tax assets364.08324.28
Short term receivables total6 501.063 161.592 991.685 386.475 856.30
Cash and bank deposits165.810.13
Cash and cash equivalents165.810.13
Balance sheet total (assets)8 861.877 180.2810 017.8512 204.0414 237.47

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.0010 125.0010 125.00
Retained earnings741.08255.77- 488.30- 248.59780.42
Profit of the financial year- 485.31- 744.07239.711 029.01-99.00
Shareholders equity total380.77- 363.30- 123.5910 905.4210 806.42
Non-current loans from credit institutions476.741 656.04
Non-current liabilities total476.741 656.04
Current loans from credit institutions1 164.18155.221 074.49827.251 002.44
Current trade creditors17.0017.0036.5442.1344.80
Current owed to participating6 479.525 462.488 870.39348.632 303.10
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities163.66252.84160.0280.6280.72
Current liabilities total7 824.355 887.5510 141.441 298.623 431.05
Balance sheet total (liabilities)8 861.877 180.2810 017.8512 204.0414 237.47
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