DANSK SHIPPING INVEST ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 25171713
Hovmarksvej 64, 2920 Charlottenlund

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit-68.38-14.93-19.63-56.88-42.25
Other financial income130.112 836.00727.161 227.351 706.92
Other financial expenses- 488.54-12.96- 140.12- 493.67-37.53
Net income from associates (fin.)87.64405.8972.7865.78-74.90
Pre-tax profit- 339.173 214.01640.20742.591 552.25
Income taxes86.24- 659.90- 124.83- 148.90- 419.02
Net earnings- 252.932 554.11515.37593.691 133.22

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Holdings in group member companies3 054.233 188.163 236.173 301.953 227.05
Investments total3 054.233 188.163 236.173 301.953 227.05
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.1 780.792 756.792 160.242 086.572 301.41
Current owed by particip. interest comp.530.62
Current deferred tax assets108.0312.7863.33
Short term receivables total2 419.442 756.792 173.012 149.902 301.41
Other current investments4 021.946 808.136 727.396 862.918 572.37
Cash and bank deposits189.6323.51593.681 064.57697.45
Cash and cash equivalents4 211.576 831.637 321.077 927.479 269.82
Balance sheet total (assets)9 685.2412 776.5712 730.2513 379.3214 798.28

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Other reserves989.091 123.021 171.041 236.821 161.91
Retained earnings8 124.077 737.2210 218.5510 668.1411 336.73
Profit of the financial year- 252.932 554.11515.37593.691 133.22
Shareholders equity total8 985.2411 539.3512 029.9512 623.6513 756.87
Non-current deferred tax liabilities279.33
Non-current liabilities total279.33
Current trade creditors34.3834.38
Current owed to participating0.300.300.300.30
Current owed to group member700.00721.00727.40
Short-term deferred tax liabilities536.93
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities700.00700.00
Current liabilities total700.001 237.23700.30755.67762.08
Balance sheet total (liabilities)9 685.2412 776.5712 730.2513 379.3214 798.28
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