Educant ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 16996505
Kasernevej 8, 8800 Viborg
tel: 70444488

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit3 831.554 490.693 504.743 262.242 439.86
Employee benefit expenses-3 654.17-3 247.00-2 712.93-2 785.93-3 055.17
Total depreciation-35.29-37.94-37.94-38.92-49.67
EBIT142.081 205.76753.87437.40- 664.98
Other financial expenses-13.51-16.73-10.92-19.78-13.92
Pre-tax profit128.571 189.03742.95417.62- 678.90
Income taxes-31.51- 326.38- 108.81-91.83136.08
Net earnings97.06862.65634.13325.79- 542.82

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment154.40116.4678.5298.2648.59
Tangible assets total154.40116.4678.5298.2648.59
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors593.753 070.94571.90483.86917.82
Current amounts owed by group member comp.42.4939.7747.14
Prepayments and accrued income1.881.88
Current other receivables35.7886.8294.86145.27185.67
Current deferred tax assets17.9313.3011.929.96146.03
Short term receivables total647.463 171.07721.16680.741 298.54
Cash and bank deposits1 144.62516.061 138.521 086.08580.61
Cash and cash equivalents1 144.62516.061 138.521 086.08580.61
Balance sheet total (assets)1 946.483 803.581 938.211 865.081 927.74

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital200.00200.00200.00200.00200.00
Shares repurchased100.001 060.00635.00325.00
Retained earnings103.47- 859.47- 631.82- 322.683.11
Profit of the financial year97.06862.65634.13325.79- 542.82
Shareholders equity total500.531 263.18837.32528.11- 339.71
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors167.20148.97120.96137.95150.98
Current owed to group member646.12735.99
Short-term deferred tax liabilities311.41312.57107.4389.87
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities967.332 078.86872.50463.031 380.49
Current liabilities total1 445.952 540.401 100.891 336.982 267.45
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 946.483 803.581 938.211 865.081 927.74
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