DANSK PELSDYRAVLERFORENING a.m.b.a. — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 15275413
Langagervej 60, 2600 Glostrup
tel: 43261126

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales532 000.00258 000.00260 000.0092 875.00918.00
Other operating income159 084.009 105.00
External services- 173 574.00-9 306.00
Gross profit4 660 000.001 982 000.002 401 000.0078 385.00717.00
Employee benefit expenses-88 642.00-6 218.00
Total depreciation-29 964.00- 515.00
EBIT-28 000.00- 150 000.0015 000.00-40 221.00-6 016.00
Other financial income20 689.00
Other financial expenses-20 532.00-4.00
Pre-tax profit17 000.00- 105 000.0038 000.00-40 064.00-6 020.00
Income taxes-20 593.00
Profit/loss from discontinued operations7 535.00
Net earnings17 000.00- 105 000.0038 000.00-60 657.001 515.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters441 445.005 564.00
Machinery and equipment35 126.002 398.00
Tangible assets total476 571.007 962.00
Other receivables2 521 000.002 663 000.001 249 000.00281.00281.00
Investments total2 521 000.002 663 000.001 249 000.00281.00281.00
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables29 746.00
Inventories total29 746.00
Current trade debtors357 960.00
Current owed by particip. interest comp.31 863.00
Prepayments and accrued income86 136.00120.00
Current other receivables240 727.00133 009.00
Current deferred tax assets800.00
Short term receivables total717 486.00133 129.00
Cash and bank deposits126 621.00617.00
Cash and cash equivalents126 621.00617.00
Non-current assets for sale1 037 480.00
Balance sheet total (assets)2 521 000.002 663 000.001 249 000.001 350 705.001 179 469.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 043 000.00870 000.00895 000.00
Retained earnings-17 000.00105 000.00-38 000.00889 666.00827 532.00
Profit of the financial year17 000.00- 105 000.0038 000.00-60 657.001 515.00
Shareholders equity total1 043 000.00870 000.00895 000.00829 009.00829 047.00
Provisions348 078.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions210 419.00
Non-current other liabilities11 162.00368.00
Non-current deferred tax liabilities2 601.00
Non-current liabilities total224 182.00368.00
Short-term capital loans61 256.00
Current loans from credit institutions138 300.00
Current trade creditors14 722.001 787.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities5 514.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities77 722.00189.00
Liabilities of non-current assets for sale348 078.00
Current liabilities total297 514.00350 054.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 043 000.00870 000.00895 000.001 350 705.001 527 547.00
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