Nextway Software A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 10104106
Birk Centerpark 40, Birk 7400 Herning
tel: 96600601

Income statement (kEUR)

Fiscal period length1212
Net sales
Gross profit1 569.76863.05
Employee benefit expenses- 525.72- 518.69
Total depreciation- 576.90- 639.90
EBIT467.14- 295.54
Other financial income63.3031.54
Other financial expenses-80.15- 126.10
Net income from associates (fin.)620.77608.98
Pre-tax profit1 071.06218.87
Income taxes-81.0585.81
Net earnings990.02304.67

Assets (kEUR)

Development expenditure1 682.401 883.25
Intangible rights24.1717.76
Intangible assets total1 706.581 901.02
Machinery and equipment8.193.20
Tangible assets total8.193.20
Holdings in group member companies3 519.514 138.55
Investments total3 519.514 138.55
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.1 219.411 314.30
Prepayments and accrued income120.98138.23
Current other receivables306.20415.13
Current deferred tax assets134.96143.01
Short term receivables total1 781.552 010.66
Cash and bank deposits28.76266.42
Cash and cash equivalents28.76266.42
Balance sheet total (assets)7 044.598 319.85

Equity and liabilities (kEUR)

Share capital149.04148.83
Shares repurchased300.00
Other reserves1 240.211 468.94
Retained earnings502.55988.26
Profit of the financial year990.02304.67
Shareholders equity total2 881.813 210.70
Capital loans268.55
Non-current other liabilities344.25337.86
Non-current liabilities total612.79337.86
Current loans from credit institutions5.728.10
Current trade creditors103.98266.44
Current owed to group member3 259.184 409.39
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities181.0987.36
Current liabilities total3 549.984 771.29
Balance sheet total (liabilities)7 388.838 657.71
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