INVESTERINGSSELSKABET LUXOR A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 49639910
Frederiksborggade 50, 1360 København K
tel: 33932150

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Other operating income78.00
External services-5 096.00-3 278.00-2 716.00-3 052.00-3 069.00
Gross profit70 493.0054 511.0059 757.0066 871.0073 658.00
Employee benefit expenses-9 560.00-9 885.00-11 334.00-10 615.00-11 670.00
Other operating expenses70 569.0054 452.0059 757.0066 871.0073 658.00
Total depreciation- 434.00- 422.00- 350.00- 350.00- 332.00
EBIT55 479.0040 867.0045 435.0052 854.0058 587.00
Other financial expenses-27 084.00-14 116.00-16 737.00-33 740.00-12 922.00
Pre-tax profit28 395.0026 751.0028 698.0019 114.0045 665.00
Income taxes-6 341.00-5 852.00-5 320.00-3 778.00-9 547.00
Net earnings22 054.0020 899.0023 378.0015 336.0036 118.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Buildings11 177.0011 020.0010 831.0010 642.0010 453.00
Machinery and equipment1 047.00855.00450.00289.00146.00
Tangible assets total12 224.0011 875.0011 281.0010 931.0010 599.00
Holdings in group member companies75 576.0075 989.0080 347.0079 905.0079 199.00
Other non-current investments634 614.00630 644.00646 054.00687 984.00692 567.00
Real estate investments124 000.00126 100.00127 400.00127 900.00129 700.00
Investments total834 190.00832 733.00853 801.00895 789.00901 466.00
Deferred tax assets12 761.008 060.003 582.00238.00
Long term receivables total12 761.008 060.003 582.00238.00
Inventories total
Current trade debtors7 274.00
Prepayments and accrued income418.00476.00499.00996.001 417.00
Current other receivables30 306.0013 905.008 284.00- 996.006 018.00
Short term receivables total30 724.0014 381.008 783.007 274.007 435.00
Cash and bank deposits523.001 732.009 696.008 687.008 539.00
Cash and cash equivalents523.001 732.009 696.008 687.008 539.00
Balance sheet total (assets)890 422.00868 781.00887 143.00922 919.00928 039.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital100 000.00100 000.00100 000.00100 000.00100 000.00
Shares repurchased-25 000.00-22 000.00-23 000.00-23 000.00-25 000.00
Other reserves50 000.0044 413.0050 771.0052 829.0059 123.00
Retained earnings209 224.00208 865.00202 406.00200 726.00188 768.00
Profit of the financial year22 054.0020 899.0023 378.0015 336.0036 118.00
Shareholders equity total356 278.00352 177.00353 555.00345 891.00359 009.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions60 775.0056 259.0050 921.0071 232.0064 810.00
Non-current other liabilities13 117.009 172.008 114.0022 838.0019 207.00
Non-current deferred tax liabilities6 987.00
Non-current liabilities total73 892.0065 431.0059 035.0094 070.0091 004.00
Current loans from credit institutions399 839.00400 039.00427 804.00431 771.00412 012.00
Current owed to group member41 424.0039 379.0038 349.0042 382.0055 516.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities1 496.003 116.001 476.00618.002 718.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities16 912.006 721.005 296.007 620.007 585.00
Accruals and deferred income581.001 918.001 628.00567.00195.00
Current liabilities total460 252.00451 173.00474 553.00482 958.00478 026.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)890 422.00868 781.00887 143.00922 919.00928 039.00
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