BANG & OLUFSEN A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 41257911
Bang og Olufsen Allé 1, 7600 Struer
tel: 96841144

Income statement (mDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales595.00455.00123.00
Gross profit528.00390.0076.00
Other operating expenses- 648.00- 634.00- 620.00
EBIT-53.00- 179.00- 497.00
Other financial income3.0036.0011.00
Other financial expenses-56.00-30.00-30.00
Pre-tax profit- 106.00- 173.00- 516.00
Income taxes21.0042.00-75.00
Net earnings-85.00- 131.00- 591.00

Assets (mDKK)

Intangible rights223.00170.00166.00
Intangible assets total223.00170.00166.00
Machinery and equipment11.0010.0011.00
Tangible assets total99.0071.0063.00
Holdings in group member companies607.00607.00607.00
Other non-current investments11.007.00
Real estate investments44.0027.0031.00
Investments total662.00634.00645.00
Deferred tax assets135.00154.0037.00
Long term receivables total135.00154.0037.00
Inventories total
Current trade debtors3.001.0018.00
Current owed by particip. interest comp.65.0037.00
Prepayments and accrued income6.004.0018.00
Current other receivables66.0087.00116.00
Short term receivables total75.00157.00189.00
Cash and bank deposits974.00314.00116.00
Cash and cash equivalents974.00314.00116.00
Balance sheet total (assets)2 168.001 500.001 216.00

Equity and liabilities (mDKK)

Share capital432.00432.00432.00
Other reserves222.00133.00130.00
Retained earnings540.00253.00125.00
Profit of the financial year-85.00- 131.00- 591.00
Shareholders equity total1 109.00687.0096.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions161.0069.0065.00
Non-current leasing loans3.00
Non-current other liabilities76.0012.0032.00
Non-current liabilities total238.0082.00101.00
Current loans from credit institutions9.003.004.00
Current leasing loans5.00
Current trade creditors112.00117.00165.00
Current owed to group member614.00544.00775.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities86.0067.0060.00
Current provisions10.00
Current liabilities total821.00731.001 019.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 168.001 500.001 216.00
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