AMBU A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 63644919
Baltorpbakken 13, 2750 Ballerup

Income statement (mDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales1 643.001 545.001 714.002 004.002 355.00
Costs of manufacturing-1 016.00
Gross profit627.001 545.00778.00985.00725.00
Costs of management- 129.00
Costs of marketing-85.00
Other operating expenses-51.00-1 161.00-1 286.00-1 627.00-2 282.00
Other financial income15.00136.00101.00160.00122.00
Other financial expenses-39.00-64.00- 107.00-39.00- 104.00
Pre-tax profit338.00456.00422.00498.0091.00
Income taxes-76.00-72.00- 109.00-98.00-6.00
Net earnings262.00384.00313.00400.0085.00

Assets (mDKK)

Intangible rights205.00337.001 052.001 169.001 399.00
Intangible assets total352.00484.001 199.001 316.001 546.00
Other tangible assets31.00108.00133.00148.00166.00
Tangible assets total31.00108.00133.00148.00166.00
Holdings in group member companies975.00975.002 285.002 281.002 286.00
Investments total975.00975.002 285.002 281.002 286.00
Non-curr. owed by group member comp.5.005.00
Non-current other receivables6.004.00
Deferred tax assets19.0027.002.00
Long term receivables total30.0036.002.00
Inventories total72.0084.0085.00111.00140.00
Current trade debtors73.0078.0085.00111.0099.00
Current amounts owed by group member comp.458.00455.00499.00680.00726.00
Prepayments and accrued income5.008.0015.0016.0022.00
Current other receivables8.005.0011.0010.0012.00
Short term receivables total544.00546.00610.00817.00859.00
Cash and bank deposits20.001.0012.0087.0068.00
Cash and cash equivalents20.001.0012.0087.0068.00
Balance sheet total (assets)2 024.002 234.004 326.004 760.005 065.00

Equity and liabilities (mDKK)

Share capital121.00122.00126.00126.00126.00
Other reserves595.00983.001 544.001 872.001 970.00
Retained earnings- 262.00- 384.00- 313.00- 400.00-85.00
Profit of the financial year262.00384.00313.00400.0085.00
Shareholders equity total716.001 105.001 670.001 998.002 096.00
Non-current loans from credit institutions925.00
Non-current other liabilities83.002 414.002 011.001 999.00
Non-current liabilities total962.00119.002 414.002 011.001 999.00
Current loans from credit institutions51.00
Current trade creditors15.0048.0059.0068.0088.00
Current owed to group member124.00159.00128.00195.00398.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities64.0016.001.004.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities88.00784.0050.00479.00484.00
Current provisions4.
Current liabilities total346.001 010.00242.00751.00970.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 024.002 234.004 326.004 760.005 065.00
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