Netcompany Group A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 39488914
Strandgade 3, 1401 København K

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales2 453 853.002 838 590.003 631 971.005 544.606 078.40
Other operating income5.90
Costs of manufacturing-1 458 102.00-1 683 372.00-2 298 687.00-3 772.20-4 375.50
Gross profit995 751.001 155 218.001 333 284.001 772.501 703.00
Costs of management- 366 658.00- 393 741.00- 503 399.00- 763.90- 935.50
Costs of marketing-17 104.00-36 715.00-41.00-54.70
Other operating expenses- 117 813.005 033.00-16
Total depreciation-99 426.00-51 424.00- 134.10- 134.20
Net income from associates-5 035.00-21 732.00-5.10-7.70
EBIT511 280.00644 945.00703 833.00839.40578.00
Other financial income39 930.0019 347.0010 259.0030.3025.20
Other financial expenses-53 954.00-66 306.00-43 648.00- 100.30- 163.30
Pre-tax profit497 256.00451 684.00727 618.00756.60432.20
Income taxes- 108 786.00- 129 766.00- 153 316.00- 153.80- 128.20
Net earnings388 470.00321 918.00574 302.00602.80304.00

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible rights286 495.00187 069.00523 746.00507.40481.10
Goodwill2 264 065.002 264 065.003 372 453.003 372.503 252.00
Intangible assets total2 550 560.002 451 134.003 896 199.003 879.903 733.10
Machinery and equipment45 374.0046 365.00
Other tangible assets100 849.0088 956.00314 418.00329.70944.40
Tangible assets total146 223.00135 321.00314 418.00329.70944.40
Participating interests69 965.00110 444.00105.40204.10
Other non-current investments1.001.002 101.001.301.00
Real estate investments2 477.002.502.50
Investments total1.0069 966.00115 022.00109.20207.60
Non-current other receivables15 980.0018 482.0026 225.0054.9054.50
Deferred tax assets3 526.008 842.0017 391.0032.7041.80
Long term receivables total19 506.0027 324.0043 616.0087.6096.30
Inventories total
Current trade debtors531 402.00458 774.001 031 880.001 112.001 261.80
Prepayments and accrued income27 759.00523 779.001 094 874.001 238.901 385.90
Current other receivables319 777.0014 129.00518 435.2064.6082.60
Current deferred tax assets36.00
Short term receivables total878 938.00996 682.002 645 189.202 451.502 730.30
Cash and bank deposits132 350.00358 996.00458.80336.00448.10
Cash and cash equivalents132 350.00358 996.00458.80336.00448.10
Non-current assets for sale3 123.00
Balance sheet total (assets)3 727 578.004 039 423.007 018 026.007 193.908 159.80

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50 000.0050 000.0050 000.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased- 175 000.00- 175 000.00- 241 409.00- 313.30- 193.10
Other reserves3 681.0038 685.00-2 958 118.1053.0074.00
Retained earnings1 804 548.002 193 018.002 571 467.003 128.203 588.70
Profit of the financial year388 470.00321 918.00574 302.00602.80304.00
Minority interest (BS)6 796.006.206.50
Shareholders equity total2 071 699.002 428 621.003 037.903 526.903 830.10
Non-current loans from credit institutions958 642.00760 556.002 275 788.001 872.401 586.90
Non-current leasing loans64 621.0057 377.00147 979.00180.50761.80
Non-current pension loans18 198.0013.8019.00
Non-current other liabilities31 141.00173 207.0094 499.00-0.10
Non-current deferred tax liabilities73 341.0066 037.00134 255.00111.0069.00
Non-current liabilities total1 127 745.001 057 177.002 670 719.002 177.602 436.70
Current loans from credit institutions74 497.0047.30146.90
Current leasing loans39 359.0035 392.0098 645.0085.40114.70
Current trade creditors44 055.0039 875.00328 496.00265.20340.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities26 905.0042 667.005 150.0040.90
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities363 275.00393 944.00446 007.00646.40672.60
Current provisions3 525.008 839.0011.6016.70
Accruals and deferred income51 016.0041 747.00350 880.00433.50561.30
Current liabilities total528 135.00553 625.001 312 514.001 489.401 893.10
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 727 579.004 039 423.003 986 270.907 193.908 159.90
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