NLMK DANSTEEL A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 10092922
Havnevej 33, 3300 Frederiksværk
tel: 47770333

Income statement (mDKK)

Fiscal period length121212
Net sales3 592.905 424.724 433.61
Other operating income6.4724.8923.79
Costs of manufacturing-3 322.88-4 508.86-3 865.07
Gross profit270.02915.86568.53
Costs of management- 143.34- 163.16- 222.27
Costs of distribution- 249.94- 342.62- 322.47
Other operating expenses-3.49-3.52
EBIT- 120.28431.4647.58
Other financial income1.281.154.60
Other financial expenses-19.99-16.07-38.32
Reduction non-current investment assets-1.60-2.88
Net income from associates (fin.)-5.6020.6712.99
Pre-tax profit- 146.19434.3226.85
Income taxes-0.27-4.55
Net earnings- 146.46429.7726.85

Assets (mDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters141.34493.29480.56
Machinery and equipment0.10
Advance payments and construction in progress323.8384.19126.77
Tangible assets total1 346.551 482.311 523.61
Holdings in group member companies8.1128.7741.47
Investments total8.1128.7741.47
Long term receivables total
Semifinished products617.54538.61351.74
Raw materials and consumables482.45606.63519.47
Finished products/goods13.6439.1349.54
Inventories total1 113.631 184.36920.75
Current trade debtors624.87652.31670.16
Current amounts owed by group member comp.33.5555.27193.65
Prepayments and accrued income11.848.2311.99
Current other receivables0.744.0356.21
Current deferred tax assets10.69
Short term receivables total671.00730.53932.01
Cash and bank deposits29.4866.7592.24
Cash and cash equivalents29.4866.7592.24
Balance sheet total (assets)3 168.773 492.733 510.08

Equity and liabilities (mDKK)

Share capital92.9492.9492.94
Asset revaluation reserve7.8828.5541.54
Retained earnings801.56634.44994.79
Profit of the financial year- 146.46429.7726.85
Shareholders equity total755.921 185.691 156.12
Non-current loans from credit institutions734.87734.9422.29
Non-current liabilities total734.87734.9422.29
Current loans from credit institutions12.7213.02721.88
Advances received36.1816.3410.98
Current trade creditors1 537.631 483.011 466.59
Current owed to group member1.70
Short-term deferred tax liabilities0.02
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities91.4257.57132.14
Current liabilities total1 677.981 571.642 331.60
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 168.773 492.733 510.08
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