CONSCIA DANMARK A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 27126502
Kirkebjerg Parkvej 9, 2605 Brøndby
tel: 70207780

Income statement (mDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales876.441 084.451 213.741 569.261 478.55
Manufacturing for enterprise's own use-4.99-9.17
Other operating income1.062.46
Purchases during the financial year-1 176.88-1 081.34
External services-55.49-56.45
Gross profit218.21282.54301.55342.94352.39
Employee benefit expenses- 202.65- 220.84
Total depreciation-14.24-15.76
Other financial income5.2912.07
Other financial expenses-10.59-2.60
Pre-tax profit56.6963.2077.46120.75125.27
Income taxes-26.73-28.46
Net earnings56.6963.2077.4694.0296.81

Assets (mDKK)

Development expenditure5.1912.74
Intangible rights1.711.57
Intangible assets total40.6345.24
Land and waters2.072.30
Machinery and equipment11.898.72
Tangible assets total13.9611.03
Other receivables391.82463.09652.8397.09173.19
Investments total391.82463.09652.8397.09173.19
Non-current other receivables1.993.47
Long term receivables total1.993.47
Finished products/goods71.1222.14
Inventories total71.1222.14
Current trade debtors324.82180.66
Current amounts owed by group member comp.283.13406.28
Prepayments and accrued income126.19159.47
Current other receivables45.4625.61
Current deferred tax assets22.9735.02
Short term receivables total802.56807.04
Balance sheet total (assets)391.82463.09652.831 027.351 062.10

Equity and liabilities (mDKK)

Share capital87.04121.26209.780.700.70
Shares repurchased100.0075.00
Other reserves9.469.12
Retained earnings-56.69-63.20-77.4658.0771.20
Profit of the financial year56.6963.2077.4694.0296.81
Shareholders equity total87.04121.26209.78262.25252.83
Non-current leasing loans6.303.66
Non-current accruals and deferred income153.73261.43
Non-current deferred tax liabilities30.2338.80
Non-current liabilities total190.27303.90
Advances received12.3614.49
Current trade creditors188.54160.84
Current owed to group member51.6219.10
Short-term deferred tax liabilities22.6629.67
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities119.3161.79
Accruals and deferred income180.34219.48
Current liabilities total574.83505.38
Balance sheet total (liabilities)87.04121.26209.781 027.351 062.10
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