JYDSK MILJØ RENGØRING A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 26288541
Vrøndingvej 3 A, 8700 Horsens
tel: 75676511

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit52 657.1460 282.3660 737.7474 705.0390 321.48
Employee benefit expenses-51 135.25-58 394.46-58 117.94-73 580.30-88 869.87
Other operating expenses- 137.72-88.23- 115.78- 102.89- 149.80
Total depreciation- 638.43- 758.55- 945.63- 914.42-1 245.89
EBIT745.741 041.111 558.39107.4155.92
Other financial income85.5372.82194.70388.50180.09
Other financial expenses-30.68-38.96-93.28- 102.44- 109.11
Net income from associates (fin.)324.794.60-96.957.48
Pre-tax profit1 125.381 079.561 562.87400.95126.90
Income taxes- 180.60- 238.06- 375.00-99.67-59.72
Net earnings944.77841.511 187.87301.2867.18

Assets (kDKK)

Goodwill1 321.191 037.20753.202 115.884 215.63
Intangible assets total1 321.191 037.20753.202 115.884 215.63
Land and waters720.88702.88684.88666.88648.88
Machinery and equipment994.921 031.46895.631 297.541 875.27
Tangible assets total1 715.801 734.341 580.511 964.422 524.15
Holdings in group member companies594.73599.33732.38706.78
Other receivables34.9355.78
Investments total594.73599.33732.38741.7255.78
Long term receivables total
Raw materials and consumables410.06410.06110.06130.06130.06
Inventories total410.06410.06110.06130.06130.06
Current trade debtors6 662.577 281.888 515.248 823.439 044.92
Current amounts owed by group member comp.2 885.934 665.9611 100.1214 434.628 310.81
Current other receivables257.76244.40221.37475.98334.53
Short term receivables total9 806.2612 192.2419 836.7323 734.0317 690.26
Cash and bank deposits25.416 181.12187.05392.5023.25
Cash and cash equivalents25.416 181.12187.05392.5023.25
Balance sheet total (assets)13 873.4422 154.2823 199.9329 078.6024 639.13

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital1 017.611 017.611 017.611 017.611 017.61
Other reserves504.73509.33412.38656.78
Retained earnings580.141 520.322 458.773 402.234 360.30
Profit of the financial year944.77841.511 187.87301.2867.18
Shareholders equity total3 047.263 888.765 076.635 377.915 445.09
Non-current loans from credit institutions145.4194.91
Non-current other liabilities1 772.564 361.275 077.19
Non-current deferred tax liabilities4 988.454 910.47
Non-current liabilities total1 917.974 456.185 077.194 988.454 910.47
Current loans from credit institutions721.6450.491 950.988 305.98387.58
Current trade creditors529.581 148.351 456.011 308.482 632.15
Current owed to group member431.69192.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities383.5361.7152.47
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities7 213.4012 168.539 014.148 756.6810 924.72
Current liabilities total8 896.3113 559.3812 804.6718 432.8513 996.92
Balance sheet total (liabilities)13 873.4422 154.2823 199.9329 078.6024 639.13
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