JENS VAGN SIMONSEN AUTOMOBILER A/S — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 10655846
Regnar Lodbrogsvej 4, 3600 Frederikssund
tel: 47314149

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
External services- 173.44- 153.09- 246.60
Gross profit- 173.44- 153.09- 246.60- 215.87- 284.39
Employee benefit expenses- 358.78- 357.27- 357.34- 349.28- 384.78
EBIT- 532.21- 510.36- 603.94- 565.14- 669.18
Other financial income5 175.4211 592.801 942.4210 335.6012 031.98
Other financial expenses-2 561.91-26.64-12 013.77-3.29-2.69
Pre-tax profit2 081.3011 055.79-10 675.299 767.1611 360.10
Income taxes- 478.52-2 436.19-10.41-58.00-2 244.13
Net earnings1 602.788 619.60-10 685.709 709.179 115.97

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current other receivables0.600.62
Current deferred tax assets250.8869.95383.40752.65
Short term receivables total251.4770.57383.40752.65
Other current investments64 678.8975 476.1057 141.6869 090.5980 847.33
Cash and bank deposits1 893.511 518.745 918.973 050.241 898.69
Cash and cash equivalents66 572.4076 994.8463 060.6572 140.8382 746.01
Balance sheet total (assets)66 823.8877 065.4163 444.0572 893.4782 746.01

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital5 000.005 000.005 000.005 000.005 000.00
Shares repurchased500.00800.00300.00500.00900.00
Retained earnings59 468.7160 271.4968 591.0857 405.3866 214.55
Profit of the financial year1 602.788 619.60-10 685.709 709.179 115.97
Shareholders equity total66 571.4974 691.0863 205.3872 614.5581 230.52
Non-current liabilities total
Short-term deferred tax liabilities2 121.531 245.22
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities252.39252.79238.67278.93270.27
Current liabilities total252.392 374.32238.67278.931 515.49
Balance sheet total (liabilities)66 823.8877 065.4163 444.0572 893.4782 746.01
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