Diagnostics Surgical Supply ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 34472122
Evertvej 28, 4040 Jyllinge
tel: 70260048

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 393.751 698.603 949.38-48.20- 121.96
Employee benefit expenses- 701.89-1 190.46-1 246.30- 574.46- 442.23
Total depreciation-6.93-16.88-18.09-18.09
EBIT684.93508.142 686.20- 640.75- 582.28
Other financial income4.6231.6225.99383.29965.38
Other financial expenses-91.71-30.97-61.23- 271.59- 206.09
Reduction non-current investment assets-1.02-10.69
Pre-tax profit596.82498.102 650.96- 529.05177.01
Income taxes- 147.02- 113.92- 583.0460.6116.22
Net earnings449.80384.192 067.92- 468.44193.23

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment73.5855.4837.39
Tangible assets total73.5855.4837.39
Holdings in group member companies51.33
Investments total51.33
Non-current other receivables26.0126.016.50
Long term receivables total26.0126.016.50
Finished products/goods951.35871.57350.84196.62
Inventories total951.35871.57350.84196.62
Current trade debtors605.90690.29567.0740.622.20
Prepayments and accrued income17.1423.614.36
Current other receivables3.353.38
Current deferred tax assets5.1768.4890.16
Short term receivables total628.21713.90570.43109.10100.11
Other current investments1 883.581 645.07
Cash and bank deposits1 150.801 721.813 025.3343.02484.86
Cash and cash equivalents1 150.801 721.813 025.331 926.602 129.93
Balance sheet total (assets)2 807.703 333.304 026.672 287.812 267.42

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital80.0080.0080.0080.0080.00
Shares repurchased113.00114.60117.80122.00
Retained earnings- 172.93163.87433.462 383.581 793.13
Profit of the financial year449.80384.192 067.92- 468.44193.23
Shareholders equity total356.87741.062 695.982 112.932 188.37
Non-current other liabilities31.84
Non-current deferred tax liabilities85.48109.75570.79
Non-current liabilities total117.33109.75570.79
Advances received21.8721.87
Current trade creditors543.67411.70118.7778.3517.25
Current owed to participating1.70
Short-term deferred tax liabilities88.200.160.52
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 789.831 982.59635.7374.1438.24
Current liabilities total2 333.502 482.49754.66174.8879.06
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 807.703 333.304 026.672 287.812 267.42
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