FN Global Holding ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 38831046
Lynghøjvej 25, 3540 Lynge
tel: 31311793

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit- 243.69-43.041 076.11-13.39-27.97
Employee benefit expenses- 150.19- 800.00
EBIT- 243.69- 193.23276.10-13.39-27.97
Other financial income19.613.737.72
Other financial expenses-0.33-1.65-3.57-24.46-0.65
Net income from associates (fin.)93.8242.101 397.581 588.37106.35
Pre-tax profit- 130.60- 149.061 670.121 558.2477.74
Income taxes35.8939.15-59.941.876.16
Net earnings-94.71- 109.911 610.171 560.1183.90

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Holdings in group member companies660.04491.551 889.133 477.493 477.49
Investments total660.04491.551 889.133 477.493 477.49
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current amounts owed by group member comp.110.60552.89147.24
Current other receivables83.716.83
Current deferred tax assets21.8463.2119.10
Short term receivables total83.71132.44552.8970.04166.34
Cash and bank deposits171.85170.801 043.01204.13174.81
Cash and cash equivalents171.85170.801 043.01204.13174.81
Balance sheet total (assets)915.60794.783 485.023 751.663 818.64

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Shares repurchased113.00114.40117.80
Other reserves610.04441.551 839.133 427.493 427.49
Retained earnings318.03275.82-1 344.66-1 437.265.05
Profit of the financial year-94.71- 109.911 610.171 560.1183.90
Shareholders equity total883.37657.462 267.633 714.743 684.24
Non-current liabilities total
Current owed to group member20.2313.2916.14
Short-term deferred tax liabilities12.01493.68
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities124.03723.7120.79134.40
Current liabilities total32.24137.321 217.3936.92134.40
Balance sheet total (liabilities)915.60794.783 485.023 751.663 818.64
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