SBJ INVEST ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 27429521
Møllebakken 7 A, Gjellerup 7400 Herning

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales21.87179.26112.04233.20-3.63
External services-37.79-65.28-36.91-74.89-81.41
Gross profit-15.92113.9875.13158.31-85.03
Other financial income71.4463.3353.3439.26227.32
Other financial expenses- 116.81-60.49- 182.54- 774.32-0.95
Pre-tax profit-61.29116.82-54.07- 576.75141.34
Net earnings-61.29116.82-54.07- 576.75141.34

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Participating interests1 429.961 109.22371.26604.46
Investments total1 429.961 109.22371.26604.46
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current owed by particip. interest comp.225.0010.8010.91
Current other receivables554.86
Current deferred tax assets49.5025.1724.538.008.48
Short term receivables total49.50250.1735.3418.91563.33
Other current investments6 192.155 397.805 307.773 951.743 904.16
Cash and bank deposits47.8098.31324.8739.6394.03
Cash and cash equivalents6 239.955 496.115 632.643 991.373 998.19
Balance sheet total (assets)7 719.416 855.516 039.244 614.754 561.52

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased600.00700.00800.00182.80790.00
Other reserves-65.00- 100.00
Retained earnings7 050.285 838.995 155.814 918.943 552.20
Profit of the financial year-61.29116.82-54.07- 576.75141.34
Shareholders equity total7 713.996 780.816 026.744 585.004 508.54
Non-current liabilities total
Current trade creditors5.
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities0.4269.695.5022.7542.86
Current liabilities total5.4274.6912.5029.7552.99
Balance sheet total (liabilities)7 719.416 855.516 039.244 614.754 561.52
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