IN-MIND ADVERTISING ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 32293042
Bredgade 20 A, 1260 København K
tel: 50998420

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit2 654.003 168.004 073.003 418.002 449.32
Employee benefit expenses-1 928.00-1 914.00-2 745.00-2 187.00-1 883.57
Other operating expenses- 138.00
Total depreciation-57.00-53.00-22.00-20.00-12.49
EBIT669.001 201.001 306.001 073.00553.26
Other financial income1.003.000.49
Other financial expenses-13.00-26.00-19.00-21.00-6.33
Pre-tax profit656.001 176.001 290.001 052.00547.42
Income taxes- 154.00- 266.00- 291.00- 242.00- 128.22
Net earnings502.00910.00999.00810.00419.20

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Machinery and equipment46.0069.0046.0025.0012.53
Tangible assets total59.0068.0046.0025.0012.53
Other receivables94.0095.0096.00105.00109.18
Investments total94.0095.0096.00105.00109.18
Long term receivables total
Semifinished products77.00
Advance payments-67.00
Inventories total10.00
Current trade debtors622.00536.00734.001 707.00629.56
Prepayments and accrued income10.0011.0038.0036.0048.66
Current other receivables1.00166.00196.0057.0049.47
Current deferred tax assets5.006.00416.00
Short term receivables total638.00719.001 384.001 800.00727.69
Cash and bank deposits1 298.002 044.001 422.00941.001 194.60
Cash and cash equivalents1 298.002 044.001 422.00941.001 194.60
Balance sheet total (assets)2 099.002 926.002 948.002 871.002 044.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased500.00900.00980.00800.00400.00
Retained earnings55.00- 342.00- 412.00- 213.00197.03
Profit of the financial year502.00910.00999.00810.00419.20
Shareholders equity total1 182.001 593.001 692.001 522.001 141.23
Non-current other liabilities104.00
Non-current liabilities total104.00
Current loans from credit institutions113.30
Advances received191.00182.00539.0075.87
Current trade creditors62.0057.00202.00188.00385.84
Current owed to participating86.00
Current owed to group member80.0082.00
Short-term deferred tax liabilities155.0068.00144.0010.03
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities620.00935.00785.00371.00314.07
Current liabilities total917.001 333.001 255.001 242.00899.12
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 099.002 926.002 948.002 871.002 044.00
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