BROCH-MIKKELSENS STENHUGGERIER ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 59695010
Sydkajen 2, 5800 Nyborg
tel: 65361165

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit153.00155.00155.00117.001 350.23
Total depreciation- 112.00- 112.00- 112.00- 112.00
EBIT41.0043.0043.005.001 350.23
Other financial income9.0062.0030.0094.01
Other financial expenses-14.00-9.00- 126.00-5.00-28.15
Pre-tax profit36.0096.00-83.0030.001 416.10
Income taxes-22.00-37.00-20.00- 542.89
Net earnings14.0059.00-83.0010.00873.20

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters1 654.001 542.001 429.001 317.00
Tangible assets total1 654.001 542.001 429.001 317.00
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current other receivables38.14
Current deferred tax assets5.005.00
Short term receivables total5.005.0038.14
Other current investments852.00914.00800.00829.002 289.20
Cash and bank deposits313.00299.00279.00278.00388.35
Cash and cash equivalents1 165.001 213.001 079.001 107.002 677.56
Balance sheet total (assets)2 819.002 755.002 513.002 429.002 715.70

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital200.00200.00200.00200.00200.00
Shares repurchased111.00113.00114.00618.00248.60
Other reserves- 122.00
Retained earnings2 046.001 948.001 893.001 191.00951.62
Profit of the financial year14.0059.00-83.0010.00873.20
Shareholders equity total2 371.002 320.002 124.002 019.002 151.42
Non-current loans from credit institutions346.00327.00313.00294.00
Non-current liabilities total346.00327.00313.00294.00
Current loans from credit institutions15.0017.0015.0015.00
Current trade creditors12.0012.0012.0039.0024.25
Current owed to participating1.001.001.13
Short-term deferred tax liabilities17.0032.0014.00538.89
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities58.0047.0048.0047.00
Current liabilities total102.00108.0076.00116.00564.28
Balance sheet total (liabilities)2 819.002 755.002 513.002 429.002 715.70
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