Nordic Cleaning ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 37247391
Østergade 84, 9700 Brønderslev

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit5 232.995 615.082 577.365 345.862 770.87
Employee benefit expenses-4 157.46-3 843.79-4 251.67-4 438.21-4 373.85
Other operating expenses-16.35
Total depreciation- 795.76- 203.86- 119.86
EBIT279.771 771.29-1 674.31703.79-1 739.20
Other financial income28.0645.226.0713.7018.60
Other financial expenses-2.75-22.09-24.27-16.25-41.17
Pre-tax profit305.08808.90-2 525.40701.25-1 761.77
Income taxes-67.57-92.19261.02- 159.23385.40
Net earnings237.50716.71-2 264.38542.01-1 376.37

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total27.5019.6411.793.93
Machinery and equipment1 735.73926.51398.29240.76165.28
Tangible assets total1 984.381 447.20862.18647.84515.56
Investments total
Non-curr. owed by group member comp.237.84238.31190.18
Long term receivables total237.84238.31190.18
Semifinished products805.50805.50
Raw materials and consumables162.181 392.94278.80296.65171.77
Inventories total162.181 392.941 084.301 102.15171.77
Current trade debtors566.20295.0167.2577.00251.83
Prepayments and accrued income110.26130.55167.78330.32185.49
Current other receivables44.06337.78729.34505.82461.04
Current deferred tax assets407.77522.09499.72
Short term receivables total720.52763.341 372.141 435.231 398.08
Cash and bank deposits326.0189.8418.93256.7523.35
Cash and cash equivalents326.0189.8418.93256.7523.35
Balance sheet total (assets)3 458.433 951.273 539.523 445.912 108.77

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital50.0050.0050.0050.0050.00
Retained earnings1 041.231 278.731 995.44162.04704.06
Profit of the financial year237.50716.71-2 264.38542.01-1 376.37
Shareholders equity total1 328.732 045.44- 218.94754.06- 622.32
Non-current liabilities total
Current loans from credit institutions393.07
Current trade creditors417.59876.03657.83394.85589.10
Current owed to participating3.981 108.66
Current owed to group member43.751 035.37
Short-term deferred tax liabilities223.10147.9796.0358.0658.06
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities1 372.68813.092 396.031 199.60975.26
Current liabilities total2 057.121 837.093 542.972 691.852 731.08
Balance sheet total (liabilities)3 458.433 951.273 539.523 445.912 108.77
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