Unwire ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 33640773
Æbeløgade 4, 2100 København Ø

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit34 331.0032 427.0026 849.0015 128.0015 102.00
Employee benefit expenses-35 878.00-24 837.00-19 378.00-13 213.00-14 892.00
Total depreciation-15 440.00-4 186.00-4 260.00-2 477.00-2 683.00
EBIT-16 987.003 404.003 211.00- 562.00-2 473.00
Other financial income333.00115.008.0061.0015.00
Other financial expenses- 152.00- 141.00- 385.00-54.00- 310.00
Net income from associates (fin.)-5 697.00198.00129.00307.00199.00
Pre-tax profit-22 503.003 576.002 963.00- 248.00-2 569.00
Income taxes3 695.00- 748.00- 410.00176.00458.00
Net earnings-18 808.002 828.002 553.00-72.00-2 111.00

Assets (kDKK)

Development expenditure7 535.006 695.005 097.004 439.002 375.00
Intangible assets total7 535.006 695.005 097.004 439.002 375.00
Machinery and equipment566.00620.00329.00293.00
Other tangible assets558.00
Tangible assets total592.00637.00338.00294.00558.00
Holdings in group member companies9 678.002 548.002 121.002 361.002 446.00
Investments total9 678.002 548.002 121.002 361.002 446.00
Long term receivables total
Advance payments317.00
Inventories total317.00
Current trade debtors5 024.004 191.002 974.003 727.001 410.00
Current amounts owed by group member comp.3 208.00
Prepayments and accrued income609.00310.00231.00317.00
Current other receivables2 717.00637.001 687.002 039.004 981.00
Current deferred tax assets3 129.002 381.001 800.002 053.002 913.00
Short term receivables total11 479.007 519.006 692.008 136.0012 512.00
Cash and bank deposits10 696.0015 392.0011 396.00118.00348.00
Cash and cash equivalents10 696.0015 392.0011 396.00118.00348.00
Balance sheet total (assets)39 980.0032 791.0025 644.0015 348.0018 556.00

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital80.0080.0080.0080.0080.00
Other reserves5 877.005 222.003 976.003 463.001 852.00
Retained earnings34 340.0015 946.0010 160.00945.001 272.00
Profit of the financial year-18 808.002 828.002 553.00-72.00-2 111.00
Shareholders equity total21 489.0024 076.0016 769.004 416.001 093.00
Non-current other liabilities844.001 472.001 502.00
Non-current deferred tax liabilities1 581.00
Non-current liabilities total844.001 472.001 502.001 581.00
Current loans from credit institutions46.0023.0043.00
Advances received1 851.001 933.00
Current trade creditors1 234.00776.00452.00556.002 299.00
Current owed to group member8 907.001 253.00457.005 745.007 906.00
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities5 626.004 372.004 592.001 962.003 744.00
Accruals and deferred income1 447.001 859.001 167.00
Current liabilities total17 664.007 871.007 403.009 430.0015 882.00
Balance sheet total (liabilities)39 980.0032 791.0025 644.0015 348.0018 556.00
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