CVR number: 26892708
Undalsvej 6, 3300 Frederiksværk
tel: 62611615

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit1 974.332 127.522 599.47-88.331 962.57
EBIT1 974.332 127.522 599.47-88.331 962.57
Other financial income33.5933.8135.7026.8430.65
Other financial expenses-26.60-23.71-49.64-64.71-95.30
Pre-tax profit1 981.322 137.612 585.53- 126.201 897.92
Income taxes- 436.78- 470.77- 568.8927.26- 417.89
Net earnings1 544.541 666.842 016.64-98.941 480.03

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Tangible assets total
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Finished products/goods4 219.294 643.515 207.936 171.246 712.79
Advance payments76.36112.62344.47179.63
Inventories total4 295.654 643.515 320.556 515.716 892.42
Current trade debtors1 472.002 001.772 301.663 008.212 535.30
Prepayments and accrued income15.422.33
Current other receivables34.2988.85141.8873.2351.26
Current deferred tax assets7.125.3427.26
Short term receivables total1 528.832 098.282 443.543 108.692 586.56
Cash and bank deposits239.1231.0036.6519.49117.51
Cash and cash equivalents239.1231.0036.6519.49117.51
Balance sheet total (assets)6 063.606 772.797 800.739 643.899 596.49

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital501.00501.00501.00501.00501.00
Shares repurchased1 000.001 500.001 300.00500.00
Retained earnings1 711.731 756.262 123.104 139.743 540.80
Profit of the financial year1 544.541 666.842 016.64-98.941 480.03
Shareholders equity total4 757.265 424.105 940.744 541.806 021.83
Non-current deferred tax liabilities434.41469.00563.55417.89
Non-current liabilities total434.41469.00563.55417.89
Current trade creditors294.57366.24277.74307.50135.75
Current owed to group member394.59295.21766.064 431.392 734.32
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities182.76218.24252.64363.19286.70
Current liabilities total871.92879.691 296.445 102.093 156.77
Balance sheet total (liabilities)6 063.606 772.797 800.739 643.899 596.49
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