CAMP-RENT ApS — Credit Rating and Financial Key Figures

CVR number: 27617646
Niels Skiverens Vej 5-7, Skiveren 9982 Ålbæk

Income statement (kDKK)

Fiscal period length1212121212
Net sales
Gross profit2 976.822 811.534 270.152 945.743 378.10
Employee benefit expenses-2 774.10-2 497.31-2 922.36-2 753.08-3 008.39
Total depreciation- 111.26- 131.53- 101.72-95.70-79.06
EBIT91.46182.701 246.0796.96290.65
Other financial income13.04
Other financial expenses-0.11-9.24-15.39-28.30-0.94
Pre-tax profit91.35173.451 230.6968.66302.75
Income taxes-20.10-39.39- 270.07-15.96-66.86
Net earnings71.25134.06960.6252.70235.89

Assets (kDKK)

Intangible assets total
Land and waters1 666.63
Machinery and equipment627.48568.57282.51186.81131.75
Tangible assets total627.482 235.20282.51186.81131.75
Investments total
Long term receivables total
Inventories total
Current trade debtors454.66425.42400.80394.87419.53
Current amounts owed by group member comp.710.52
Prepayments and accrued income1.561.611.78
Current other receivables10.90706.52
Current deferred tax assets9.3436.205.62
Short term receivables total464.00463.18417.32396.481 838.34
Cash and bank deposits364.333 258.771 990.47840.74
Cash and cash equivalents364.333 258.771 990.47840.74
Balance sheet total (assets)1 455.812 698.383 958.602 573.752 810.84

Equity and liabilities (kDKK)

Share capital125.00125.00125.00125.00125.00
Shares repurchased110.00113.00114.40140.001 000.00
Other reserves700.00
Retained earnings633.64591.89611.551 432.17- 215.13
Profit of the financial year71.25134.06960.6252.70235.89
Shareholders equity total939.89963.961 811.571 749.871 845.77
Non-current other liabilities214.28
Non-current deferred tax liabilities16.39261.0725.9676.86
Non-current liabilities total16.39475.3525.9676.86
Current loans from credit institutions709.69
Current trade creditors12.8040.9117.3076.94164.03
Short-term deferred tax liabilities1.0421.96
Other non-interest bearing current liabilities447.11910.441 604.38687.95680.23
Current liabilities total459.911 661.041 621.68765.92866.21
Balance sheet total (liabilities)1 455.812 698.383 958.602 573.752 810.84
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